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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Found 9 results.

    1) Here you go [none / 0] Replies: 0
    posted by motorcity on 02/10/2008 10:23:22 PM EST
    attached to Romney could be our next governor, but is he interested?

    2) Frank - ly... [none / 0] Replies: 0
    posted by motorcity on 10/05/2007 08:10:20 AM EST
    attached to BREAKING: Granholm attempting to censor HER OWN RADIO INTERVIEW

    3) 4.35% [none / 0] Replies: 0
    posted by motorcity on 09/30/2007 11:30:14 PM EST
    attached to Democrat Tax-Hike Update

    4) Geeeeze! [none / 0] Replies: 0
    posted by motorcity on 09/27/2007 09:33:57 PM EST
    attached to Transcript of Governor Granholm's Remarks

    5) Keyword = [5.00 / 1] Replies: 0
    posted by motorcity on 06/30/2007 08:21:18 AM EST
    attached to Potential savings and reforms... THE LIST! (v1.0)

    6) Well, [5.00 / 1] Replies: 0
    posted by motorcity on 05/31/2007 10:49:34 PM EST
    attached to House Chamber a ghost town today

    7) Getting by... [5.00 / 1] Replies: 0
    posted by motorcity on 05/17/2007 07:26:05 AM EST
    attached to More Proof Michigan Needs a BIG Tax Hike

    8) Bravo! [5.00 / 1] Replies: 0
    posted by motorcity on 05/08/2007 08:29:25 AM EST
    attached to I can't say it better Dan Pero, I can't say it better.

    9) SUTA [5.00 / 1] Replies: 0
    posted by motorcity on 04/30/2007 07:30:26 AM EST
    attached to The real tax grab in Michigan



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