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    Tag: Rightmichigan.com

    Moving On

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Tue Jan 21, 2014 at 12:55:57 PM EST
    Tags: RightMichigan.Com, Blog, Moving (all tags)

    Alice doesn't live here anymore.

    The lease is up, the rent is too high, and its time to find new digs.  As of February 10, 2014, RightMichigan.com will be mothballed.

    We will be backing up the site so that all the wonderful work and commentary will be available in some way.

    We will continue to provide REAL conservative commentary up until the windows are shuttered, and I will update you on where we can catch back up within the next few days.

    (13 comments) Comments >>

    Updating Conservative Michigan Blogs

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Sat Mar 02, 2013 at 03:03:59 PM EST
    Tags: Michigan, RightMichigan.com, Blogs, Conservative Sites (all tags)

    Looking to update the blogroll a little more completely.  

    Let me know of any MICHIGAN blogs (In the comments) that are missing from that list.  Also note if any of the listed sites are no longer resolving correctly.

    Thanks in advance!

    (8 comments) Comments >>

    A Message To Our Legislators - Beware False Choices

    RightMichigan.Com Man Of The Year

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Sun Feb 17, 2013 at 06:05:11 PM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Activism, RightMichigan.com, Right To Work, Appreciation, Man Of the Year, Tim Bos (all tags)

    If we had already established a long running Man Of The Year program, perhaps we could say we've found a Michigander of the Decade.

    He is not running for anything, so this is not an endorsement, other than that of conservative ideals, principles, and his grass roots activity in areas that should matter to us all.

    The first time I met Tim Bos, was at the back door of a conference room here in Traverse City in 2011 just prior to the June 30 public roll out of the Michigan Freedom To Work campaign.  It was an organizational meeting that was publicized enough to give us concern that some attendees might not be who they say.  If I am to be truthful, my first impression at the door was one of concern. I didn't know him.  As we started the meeting, any concerns faded, as I learned of his marketing and organizational background, his core beliefs, and the overall skills he brought to the table.

    I realized that this was a guy that gets it.  I also realized a serious commitment in the fight for Freedom To Work in Michigan by looking at the old Ford pickup he drove, especially at a time with gas prices climbing fast.  It wasn't the last time he would make the couple hundred mile treks into the hinterland just to advocate for the cause of FTW, as only a couple weeks later he returned, driving hours to offer his three minutes worth, in front of the Grand Traverse County Commission which was deliberating a resolution of support for it.

    His words might well have made a difference in the overflowing room; one we cannot know for sure however, but the resolution did pass.

    Continued below ~

    (1 comment, 755 words in story) Full Story

    Website Issues

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Mon Feb 04, 2013 at 03:27:32 PM EST
    Tags: DOS Attacks, RightMichigan.com, Server, Downtime (all tags)

    We are working with the host and attempting to isolate the source of recent Denial of Service attacks.

    Please be patient as we address these issues and hopefully solve what has been a bit of a pain in the neck.

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    Happy New Year 2013

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Mon Dec 31, 2012 at 11:59:20 PM EST
    Tags: RightMichigan.com, Happy New Year, 2013, Gateways, Gates, Doors, Doorways (all tags)

    May the coming year be more prosperous and rewarding for our Right Michigan readers.

    God bless this great state of Michigan.

    God bless you all.

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    RightMichigan.com In Blogging Article

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Thu Apr 12, 2012 at 09:00:47 AM EST
    Tags: Blogging, Rightmichigan.com, News (all tags)

    In an article "Bandwidth by the barrel", Nancy Derringer of Bridge Magazine [more than] casually mentions our community.

    One Quote:

    "While the collection of regular bloggers at Right Michigan represents a wide spectrum of political opinion, Gillman said he is interested in policing the principles the party stands for.

    "There are groups called No Labels, who don't want anyone to stand for anything," he said. "That's not us. We want to know what people are about. I can't do an investigation on every single character in play. But if someone is a bad actor, (who) says they're for fiscal sanity and then votes for another trillion in debt, we're going to call them on it. Voting for a debt limit increase gets you on a wall of shame."

    Yep.  Hard love.

    We aren't here to bash the R's, but rather keep them from driving into the ditch along with the Demoncrats and moderate train wrecks who have wreaked havoc on this state for too many decades.

    The point?  Stand for something.

    Feel the love.

    (3 comments) Comments >>

    Blogroll Updates - Round IV

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Thu Dec 29, 2011 at 09:30:15 AM EST
    Tags: Michigan Blogroll, RightMichigan.com, Conservative Dossier, Michigan Republican Hispanic Association, Michigan Review Blog, Michigan Watchdog, MTA blog, Outside Lansing, Reform Watch, Right Cuz (all tags)

    Referenced in one of the recent posts, I guess I should be clear.  

    These blogroll adjustments are not eliminating any current and active blogs.  In an effort to have currently relevant reporting and opinion, a culled list with fresher reading materials should help.

    Starting in the M section, the Michigan Conservative Dossier with a post last made in 2009, finds itself the first off for this round.

    The Michigan Republican Hispanic Association blog seems to consistently kick off the Malware alarm system.  If any of you guys have any idea what might be making that happen let me know.  In the meantime, I would prefer to pop that link down for now.

    The Michigan Review Blog address has apparently been wrong for some time. While pondering the reason it is on the list at all, we'll just make the address adjustment so it works.

    Michigan Watchdog apparently allowed the domain to lapse.  Oops.  Now a catch-all ad site. OFF.

    Though Leon has not posted on the MTA blog in some time, Mr Perks messaged me to keep an eye out there as we move into the next election cycle. Freshen it up Mr Drolet!

    Outside Lansing expired and now there is only One Chetly Blog left. Outside Lansing Gone.

    Reform Watch blog is gone.  Main site taken over by an ad set-up.

    Yo Cuz Bros!  What happened to Right Cuz?  Japanese beauty treatments now?  Ow.  Get me an update when you fire up a new one.

    Right Wing Reform Blog? Sorry Mr. Porter SOME action in 2 years ya know? Gone.

    That gets us through a pretty sizable chunk. And given the Six removals, I hope to see some additions soon.  We need every active pen going in the next year.  The conservative blogging community in Michigan is an important part of what is being talked about across the nation.  They need us out there!

    For God and Country!

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    Merry Christmas

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Sun Dec 25, 2011 at 12:00:06 AM EST
    Tags: Jesus Christ, Christmas 2011, The Gift, Redemption, RightMichigan.com (all tags)

    The perfect man who died for our imperfections has his birth celebrated today.

    Amidst the gifts that we pass among ourselves, nothing can compare to the ultimate endowment given to us with the birth of Jesus Christ. Nothing can compare to the gift God bestowed upon those of us who are less than perfect.

    John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.

    No one on this day, can say he or she is without charity, or at the very least a significant dowry unless they would turn it down.

    A Merry Christmas to our readers, our family.

    May this be a joyous and fruitful time for you and your families.

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