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    Tag: DRIC (page 5)

    Just the Facts, Please

    By The Wizard of Laws, Section News
    Posted on Fri Feb 11, 2011 at 10:06:26 AM EST
    Tags: Ambassador, Blue Water Bridge, Bridge, credits, Detroit, DRIC, federal, government, highway, MDOT, private, public, tolls, traffic, Tunnel, Windsor (all tags)

    Cross-posted in The Wizard of Laws

    To hear MDOT talk, the proposed Detroit River International Crossing (DRIC) is not so much a bridge as a yellow brick road to eternal prosperity.  This image appeals to your Wizard, of course, but I am more concerned about whether the image is based in reality or merely the result of a bump on the head.  Why the DRIC instead of a private second span put up by the Ambassador Bridge (AB) people?

    The case for DRIC goes something like this:  (1) we need a second bridge to accommodate the tremendous growth in traffic we will see in the future, (2) the good witch of the north (Canada, for those of you not following my Oz analogy) has offered us a $550 million loan to get started, and (3) we can turn that $550 million into another $2 billion from the federal government to put toward our roads.  Ultimately, the DRIC is supposed to generate thousands and thousands of jobs and enable our manufacturing and agriculture industries to thrive.  The Canadian loan, the cost of the project, and all future costs would be paid or repaid out of bridge tolls.

    Let's set aside the "jobs" and "thriving industries" justifications for now.  Whether the bridge is built through a public-private partnership or by the AB folks, those benefits should still accrue, so those justifications favor neither approach.  And, if we need a second bridge, we need a second bridge, regardless of who builds it.

    So, based solely on media coverage (a dicey proposition, I know), the case for DRIC appears to boil down to the fact that Canada has offered its loan for a public bridge, and we can use that loan to leverage federal highway funds.  Let's look at these issues in some more detail:

    (11 comments, 668 words in story) Full Story

    First New Word Of 2011

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Thu Jan 27, 2011 at 05:52:25 PM EST
    Tags: Michigan Newswire, DRIC, Snyder, Milliken, Blanchard, Engler, Granholm (all tags)


    bi-farce-isan |bīˈfärcəzən|
    of or involving the agreement or cooperation of two political parties that usually oppose each other's policies to spend constituents coerced monies : the DRIC is now receiving a bifarceisan sales pitch and is going to happen with your money whether you like it or not.

    bi-farce-isan-ship |-ˌ sh ip| noun

    USAGE See usage at MI-GOP

    (7 comments) Comments >>

    A Message To Our Legislators - Beware False Choices

    State of Dismay

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Thu Jan 20, 2011 at 10:28:17 PM EST
    Tags: Governor, Snyder, Michigan, State of the State, Lansing, MEDC, DRIC, Boondoggle, Brewer, Democrats, Republicans (all tags)

    Someone's been drinking the 'Donkey Dew..'

    I wanted to get this out earlier, but have been slammed with other responsibilities.

    Last night left me a little disappointed.  Perhaps if Republicans do not understand now, they may never. Though there might be time for redemption, (success)it will not come as the result of what was said in the Governor's state of the state speech.

    Regulars will note my early opinions on Mr. Snyder prior to his becoming our nominee.  It was not at all flattering, and raised points questioning the involvement of Snyder's business interests with those 'government' incentives created by the entity HE in fact had a hand in creating.  As a businessman he did what was necessary to make his business survive, thrive, etc.. And had little problem disassociating any negative effect on those other businesses that pay taxes, from the government corporate welfare system known as the MEDC.

    Snyder carried forward into the 2010 cycle a message that "Lansing has to stop picking winners and losers", yet as recently as 2007, his own business enterprises were still milking our cow...  Using the only teat that wasn't spouting dust.

    (17 comments, 1513 words in story) Full Story

    Ding Dong the DRIC is dead..

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Fri Dec 03, 2010 at 06:08:24 PM EST
    Tags: HB 4961, DRIC, $5000000000, Michigan (all tags)

    D.R.I.C. passes quietly (or not) into the night..

    There were 5 Billion reasons to allow it to do so.

    In last night's final moments, a motion to discharge legislation that would have allowed for the construction of the Detroit River International Crossing failed to pass in the Senate. The motion, made by Senator Ray Basham (D-Wayne County), to discharge HB 4961 failed with a 11-23 final vote, and the entire Republican Caucus voting against it. The Republican Caucus had the help of Senator Dennis Olshove (D-Macomb County) in defeating the motion while Senators Buzz Thomas (D-Wayne County) and Jim Barcia (D-Bay County) abstained.

    Well done gentlemen.  The days of big labor plotting our futures are limited.

    The totals below. (From Michigan votes)

    (3 comments, 226 words in story) Full Story

    An example of good leadership

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Mon Nov 08, 2010 at 11:19:59 AM EST
    Tags: DRIC, Mike Bishop, Michigan Detroit International Bridge Co., Lame Duck, Granholm, Labor (all tags)

    Stopping an extreme labor payback agenda with an abuse of our transportation department?  Well played leader Bishop.

    Mike Bishop's office on Thursday said it will not come up for a vote.  What is it?

    A $5.5 Billion dollar expense to taxpayers that has big labor and government special interest finger marks all over it.  Its the approval of legislation that would ultimately approve the building of a new bridge between Detroit and Windsor.  Its the approval of a process which again pits government against business.  Business which has already been serving the needs of travelers quite adequately.

    Its the DRIC Boondoggle.

    (5 comments, 478 words in story) Full Story

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