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    Tag: bailouts

    $10+ Billion Dollars Leaves Michigan in Just One Year

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Sat Jan 18, 2014 at 11:42:07 AM EST
    Tags: Money Walks - Bullsh!t Talks, Tax Hikes, Big Govt, Bloated Budgets, Amnesty, Common Core, A pair of Dicks, Snydercaid, Costly Energy, Slick Rick, Mr 36%, MEDC, Detroit, Bailouts, Transparency, Cronyism, Lying Liars, NERD Fund, Rich Baird, Any Dillon, Kevyn Orr, Obama donors, One Term Nerd (all tags)

    It has crossed my mind. If growing government is considered "a success" by an alleged Republican dominated state with every lever of power in Lansing, then WhyTF would I want to remain here just to be fleeced?

    Michigan's population is slowly rebounding, but millionaires may not be sticking around for the state's revival. [Where is the "revival"?]

    Despite encouraging economic trends and a booming stock market, the state had 10,000 fewer millionaire households in 2013 than 2012, the Phoenix Global Wealth Monitor estimated in a report released this week.

    Continued below the fold

    (3 comments, 364 words in story) Full Story

    Don't Bail Out Detroit

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Thu Jan 16, 2014 at 10:19:48 AM EST
    Tags: Mackinac Center, Detroit, Bailouts, DIA, Taxes, Fiscal Malpractice (all tags)

    Apparently, there is a caveat to recent 'good news' for the DIA.

    Reposted from The Mackinac Center for Public Policy in time for Rick Snyder's State of the state address tonight:

    Don't Bail Out Detroit with State Tax Dollars

    By Michael Lafaive
    The recent announcement that philanthropic foundations may donate $330 million to help the Detroit Institute of Arts, which would also help city pensioners avoid the consequences of Detroit government mismanagement, sounds like great news.

    Unfortunately, there may be a hook: A requirement that the state treasury contribute, which would convert voluntary private generosity into a coerced taxpayer bailout.

    A state bailout of Detroit is a terrible idea. It creates moral hazard and adds to the overly generous financial support the city has for years received from state taxpayers.

    And it's unfair. ~ Continued below the fold

    (4 comments, 722 words in story) Full Story

    A Message To Our Legislators - Beware False Choices

    Thursday Divertere

    By JGillman, Section Multimedia
    Posted on Thu Feb 21, 2013 at 09:10:38 AM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Manufacturing, Cronyism, Crony Capitalism, MEDC, Obama, Bailouts, GM, Chevrolet, China, Sold Out, Communists, Cadillac, Are You Libs Ready To Dump Levin And Stabenow Yet? (all tags)

    A reminder of the results of CRONY CAPITALISM.

    As we have seen recently, the Chinese were subsidized and transferred Battery Technology by Taxpayers through the likes of the MEDC and Federal programs interfering with free markets. It was pretty bad, but ..

    It wasn't the first time.

    Oh.. and take note of the Chinese defense contractors operating in Michigan.

    (2 comments) Comments >>

    Breaking - Chicago Beats Detroit!

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Tue Sep 27, 2011 at 03:07:58 PM EST
    Tags: FORD, Pulled Commercial, Bailouts, Crooked Government, Obama Chavez, Chicago Way, Fall Of Detroit (all tags)

    And I am not talking about a sporting event.

    A few days ago, I posted the New Ford Commercial highlighting a REAL-LIFE customer in one of those interview ambush moments who declared he would rather spend his money on a car company that was all American and did not take bailout money.  It was a classic, and the guy frankly represented the best of the US of A, and its disgust with bailouts, government run enterprise, and the corruption spawned in Chicago, that now resides in DC.

    It SHAMED those other two other car companies.

    It also SHAMED the administration who in their best Venezuelan moments have done all they could to chain private enterprise to their agenda.

    If you followed the link above, you'll note its gone.  The video no longer exists at the address, and has been pulled.  Michelle Malkin reports the new "Attack Watch" site, the newest joke of the Obama Administration proudly declares the successes of the bailouts as an answer to the Ford commercial.  undoubtedly, the pressure is on for FORD leadership to get on knees and beg to kiss the ring of an outstretched Obama hand to be sure.  I doubt pulling the ad will be enough to salve the bruised ego of "the won" and his creepy, crony allies.

    Hugo Chavez should be so proud of his protege.

    In other news, Chris (the guy in the ad) has something to say below the line.

    (4 comments, 265 words in story) Full Story

    Free Ford Commercial On RightMichigan.Com?

    By JGillman, Section Multimedia
    Posted on Fri Sep 16, 2011 at 12:30:33 PM EST
    Tags: Ford, American, Bailouts (all tags)

    See if you can figure out why.

    H/T HotAir

    The First one is free. FYI There is more space available FORD.

    (2 comments) Comments >>

    Why we need Freedom to Work

    By archiespeck, Section News
    Posted on Thu Jul 14, 2011 at 02:58:50 PM EST
    Tags: RTW, Freedom to Work, unions, UAW, bailouts (all tags)

    UAW employees getting drunk and high on their lunch break. In other news, the sky is blue.

    http://www.myfoxdetroit.com/dpp/news/local/chrysler-workers-in-trenton-caught-smoking-and-drinking-d uring-lunch-breaks-20110713-dk

    (1 comment, 211 words in story) Full Story

    Sales of Volt so bad new markets created

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Sun Jun 05, 2011 at 12:14:23 PM EST
    Tags: Green, Volt, Troy Schools, Chevy, GM, Bailouts, FedupUSA, Stephanie Jasky, Michigan, Unions, Little Mikey, students, Tools, Propaganda (all tags)

    Its worse than we thought.

    Back a couple of months ago, we had a few discussions here about the pitiful sales of GM's Chevy Volt, even WITH the monster government incentive.  A $7500 rebate just didn't cut it for target buyers of the electric boondoggle of Detroit's once upon a time premier automaker, and sales are worse than flat.

    The profits from said eco-box wouldn't pay for the engineering alone much less the tooling and employee cost.  

    However, the employee cost has apparently brought a little fear to the dues collecting part of the team.  So much so, that they have begun to market the volt to a new constituency that is more likely to be swayed by talking green frogs, giant yellow birds, and a fear of drowning polar bears.

    Our children.  At our public schools.

    A little more below.

    (8 comments, 579 words in story) Full Story

    Geithner's Spin: Auto Bailout A Success

    By Warner Todd Huston, Section News
    Posted on Thu Apr 28, 2011 at 05:44:09 PM EST
    Tags: General Motors, GM, Chevy Volt, Timothy Geithner, subsidies, bailouts, UAW, United Auto Workers (all tags)

    At the Detroit Economic Club today, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner tried to claim the auto bailout is a success.

    It certainly doesn't seem like a success for the taxpayers.  GM stock is about $30 today, and unless it gets up to $54, the taxpayers lose money on the deal.  Why would it go up?  You want to fight high gas prices by buying a Volt?  How does $41 grand a pop sound? And still GM loses money on every one it sells even at that price.  Not only that but we are seeing that government subsidies for electric cars is good tax money wasted in any case.

    It doesn't get any better. Worldwide, U.S. cars aren't selling worth beans and domestically, GM is lagging because people who hate the bailouts won't support it with their car-buying dollars any more than they did with their votes last year when they kicked out every incumbent they could find who'd been for it.  And GM still has all its old problems, too, like those big fat union pension obligations. Sadly, nothing that caused GM's financial trouble has been fixed.

    (16 comments, 371 words in story) Full Story

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