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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Youth Is Indestructible - (Or Who Needs Wendy?)

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Thu Apr 04, 2013 at 10:30:53 PM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Republicans, Dave Agema, The Lost Boys, Peter Pan, Dennis Lennox, Backfired Petulance, Indestructible, Youth, Donkeys, Sorry But Growing Up Is Part Of the Plan (all tags)

    When we are young we know we'll never die.

    Maybe we never have to grow up?

    All risks are worth it. We have nothing to lose, so risky behavior is more frequent than that of old people like most of the regulars here.  Nothing puts a little perspective on the value of health, and a place on the right hand of God than the impending end of our physical presence on earth.

    Typically, it starts when the grandparents are no longer there.  Perch fishing with Grandpa no longer can drive home the fact that there is an end to the road in some way. After that, the passing of parents, siblings or close friends from school days long passed, and all the experiences and close calls in the meantime develop a healthy dose of respect for the place we will spend eternity. And how soon we get there will have a lot to do with the personal responsibility, acknowledged in, or outside of youthful discretion.

    I jumped off rooftops to prove I was cool as a teen. My brothers (ahem) may have climbed to the top of a 50 thousand watt WKAR tower in Okemos in the 70s. And once by luck, my Mother [God bless her soul] found a young dumb 14 year old Jason choking to death in the manner of Led Zepplin Drummer John Bonham.

    I have never drank a whole bottle of Bacardi with Coke in a single setting since.

    There is no doubt that risky behavior is a bigger part of youth than those who have seen the results of such behavior first hand, or that have developed an appreciation by virtue of near misses on their own or by loved ones.  Though I was lucky to have survived many stupid exploits, many pay dearly for such antics as trying to fly like a lost boy under tinkerbell's guidance.

    And the liberal world view as equally immature, compels such activity as well.

    More below the fold ~

    Liberals have put a hook on our youth.

    Even those whom we had counted on to be the inheritors of liberty have been corrupted by an ideology that has no fear of personal responsibility.  Our youth, provided with an opportunity to learn trades in our schools and universities instead bring home an emboldened sense of invulnerability.  They seem to carry a new sense that anyone can do anything with little or no consequence.  They have been liberalized to a point that retards their maturity and ability to discern long term social problems with short term personal gratification.

    "I never want to grow up!"
    said one boy ..

    And recently, that selfish construct in our 'young Republicans' has engaged in a way that exposes what will eventually be seen as the end of organized resistance to liberalism.  We have seen an attack by one who pretended himself as a 'leader' in Republican politics to many, and betrayed the trust good conservatives have placed in his care.

    It is not just an opinion he expressed, but an ideology of the progressive left as a body blow to a resurgent Michigan Republican party with his challenge to a good man.  In two ways this baby RINO (Republican In Name Only) did irreparable damage to the party and the people of Michigan.  His temper tantrum over comments posted for discussion, were buttressed by the left who designed the very subject of that discussion topic. He joined with the liberal enemy against health and decency, and fought his own party's conservative element as if to eject them.

    He was not worried about damage.  Indestructible as youth are, charging in and knocking things about has no consequence, right?

    As those older and wiser refuted his words, facing other childish chants of bigotry and haters, this youngster doubled his efforts and screamed louder in order to get the attention he deserves! as he was taken to task for who he is, he resorted to tactics of redirection (HE did it) with straw accusations of a bizarre sort, and tried to make an argument that it was not about him.

    No personal responsibility will ever be accepted by Dennis Lennox for attempting such a damaging move within the Republican party.

    Even in the face of a new MIRS poll expected to be released soon.  One that shows 65% of delegates within the party still solidly supporting the good man Dave Agema. And given the likelihood that the poll reflects fewer true conservatives a 49.1 percent who would vote for him again for committeeman is probably on the light side, (traditionally, conservatives answer email polls less reliably than moderates and liberals) it may seem to some, to reveal a small schism in the party.

    If so, it is manufactured by youthful indiscretion.

    C'mon boys! Lets go get that pirate!

    And the story from MIRS you will see tomorrow, will reveal a petulant young man who has not yet felt the pain for his destructive actions:

    "Let's face it, he doesn't have free speech rights .." Says Lennox
    Earning him a Peter Pan award .. or an 'Inkerbell'

    Or maybe a Jackass' tail.

    < Thursdays Divertere: The Great Alan Keyes | First Amendment Victory in Michigan! >

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    Wascally wabbit (none / 0) (#1)
    by Corinthian Scales on Fri Apr 05, 2013 at 10:19:33 AM EST

    Because everyone needs another "Resist we much" in the MIaGOPC'd...

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