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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Thursdays Divertere: How To Focus The FOCUS Act

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Thu May 10, 2012 at 11:14:34 AM EST
    Tags: Sen Rand Paul, FOCUS Act, American Laws for American Courts, HB-4769, Rep. Dave Agema, SB-701, Sen. Roger Kahn, Undocumented Democrats, Remittance sent by Illegals, Progressives, Our Tax Dollars at Work, Rep Justin Amash, HR 4268, No Michigan Representative as Cosponsors, Crony Capitalism, Export-Import Bank, Corporate Welfare (all tags)

    Truly amazing to witness how Progressivism has ruined this nation.

    Senator Paul, I do believe you're looking at this in the wrong light...

    ...if you truly want to expedite the FOCUS Act being passed in Harry Reid's Senate, start promoting the idea of the United States adopting how North Korea deals with illegal entry to their country.

    If tax paying Americans are forced by congress to suffer blatant disregard of our sovereignty, then let's raise the consequence bar for illegal aliens on our soil.  Just be sure to take cover as the Progressives in both Party's and global Marxists on the Left heads explode about you, Senator Paul.

    Nice, eh?



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