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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Feral DNR Continues its Routing

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Wed Apr 18, 2012 at 09:29:20 AM EST
    Tags: Snyder, Michigan, DNR, Police State, Pigs (all tags)

    The DNR continues to act on its self proclaimed authority and Governor Snyder sits silent while family farming businesses are destroyed in Michigan.

    This is getting as ugly as predicted.  One farmer writes:

    "I was served a search warrant yesterday at 7: 45am.

    After 8 guys 3 four wheelers, and 4 hours, DNR decided I was correct. I have killed all my hogs. They gave me papers that say I do not have any hogs on my property. All they saw were dead hogs laying around from my mass slaughtering. It took 12 guys 4 times in there to kill all of them, sows with young, Pregnant sows, dozens of piglets, and old mature boars. It has been a sad few weeks.

    Does anyone know what it feels like to open fire on 20 baby piglets in one group which weigh between 5lbs and 15 lbs. They are so adorable and cute.

    They commented to everyone that they never saw a fence built so tough and no way would a hog get out of this area. I trenched 2′ then installed chain link fencing, then a 10′ high tightlock fence on top of that. ( 200 acre area ) They never saw a fence like that."

    Though I can hardly understand where cute pigs are relevant, it doesn't sit well when the natural order of things can so easily be tossed aside without due process so easily.  

    Warrants served, without a day in court and exterminations of livestock ordered when there is no threat to ANYONE.  Strong walls, fences, containment, etc.  None of it matters to the goose stepping DNR masters of Michigan.  Consider this a vision of what is to come along with the [not so] slowly developing agenda 21 takings.

    Welcome to the new environmental police state.

    < Wednesdays Divertere: Do It For The Children | Couldn't Be Clearer >

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    Well... (none / 0) (#1)
    by jgillmanjr on Wed Apr 18, 2012 at 08:00:23 PM EST
    Though I can hardly understand where cute pigs are relevant,

    Well, replace that with the senseless phenocide (remember, kids, they pass judgement ONLY on looks alone), and you have yourself a winner.

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