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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Union Questionaire Draws Attention

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Thu Jun 02, 2011 at 09:27:02 AM EST
    Tags: SEIU, MCO, Michigan, Prisons, Policy, Politics, Partisanship, Mackinac Center (all tags)

    A posting I had here a few days ago poked fun at the SEIU Corrections unit (MCO) questionnaire that attempted to identify the core political allegiance of its membership.  It drew the attention of the Mackinac Center's Paul Kearsey, who asks a more important question than I had in my post.

    What about Policy?

    Kearsey opines:

    "The interesting and at the same time sobering thing about this is how SEIU leaders see their members through a strictly partisan political lens. The space that the union used to gauge the strength of its members' partisan leanings are (Are you sorta Republican, really Republican, or really, really Republican?) could just as easily been used to find out how worried their members are about losing their pensions in a state bankruptcy, or whether or not work rules negotiated by the union made prisons safer or a host of other questions having to do with what MCO members really want their union to do."

    Leave it to the smart guys to make my point.

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