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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Not Wisconsin

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Thu Mar 17, 2011 at 10:29:55 AM EST
    Tags: Jase Bolger, Ari Adler, Michigan, Republicans, Civility, Capitol, Enderle (all tags)

    I guess we are not really facing the same thing.

    Reports of the invasion by students and other bit actors at the capitol yesterday, arrived with rumors that they were hired with potato salad sandwiches and promises of an extra bag of chips if they succeeded in holding the fort overnight.  Labor wishes to generate the kind of destructive element made possible by police capitulation in Wisconsin over the last month.  The destruction that likely cost the state of Wisconsin over $300,000.

    The glue, tape and posters are gone from the Capitol building in Madison. Despite original estimates that it would cost $7.5 million to remove and repair damage from the displays, it now appears the cost will be roughly $350,000.

    Lansing has a little different story.

    Though some of the same mindset is present, there appears to be a different tone of civility, and apparently OUR police are doing their jobs.

    All 11 arrested will be charged with misdemeanor trespassing, according to State Police Capt. Gary Nix. One person additionally faces felony charges for allegedly breaking into the Capitol through a bathroom window and allegedly assaulting a police officer.

    And we also have some competent representation for our legislators. ~ Below

    Jason Bolger's office is fortunate to have the rhetorically diffusive Ari Adler as a spokesman:
    The spokesman for House Speaker Jase Bolger stumbled into the sticky wicket after deciding to introduce himself to one of the protest leaders: Self-proclaimed congressional candidate Lance Enderle.

    "Lance Enderle and I have been on the radio opposing each other, but I've never met him in person, so I thought I would just shake his hand and introduce myself -- I tend to do that," Adler explained later. "That cordial introduction lasted about 30 to 45 seconds before Lance turned it into a debate."

    Adler was able to keep it calm with Enderle while apparently defending Bolger's and the Republican positions.  Add to this, the actual law enforcement by our finest keeping the peace, we might be able to avoid the circus that came to the lawn and capitol in Madison.  

    As the top news networks are already camping out in wait of the greatest show on earth, its good to see rule of law, combined with solid intellectual defenders within our institution keeping it civil.

    For the time being.

    < Pure Michigan: The upside to its increased funding? | The state fact sheet. >

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    2009 & 2010 Tax Day Tea Parties--- (none / 0) (#1)
    by RushLake on Fri Mar 18, 2011 at 05:40:28 AM EST
    What a contrast. The State Police circulated thru the crowd at both Tax Day TEA party events in front of the State Capitol. Not one "demonstrator" arrested that I ever heard about. People were talking to the State Police in a civil and friendly manner and being addressed in the same manner in return. Class shows.

    • Nearly anyone by JGillman, 03/18/2011 06:27:17 AM EST (none / 0)
    Who Are They? (none / 0) (#3)
    by DrDetroit on Fri Mar 18, 2011 at 01:06:57 PM EST
    Has any information been released about who the people are that were arrested?

    I'm not sure where I heard it yesterday, (none / 0) (#6)
    by RushLake on Sat Mar 19, 2011 at 05:45:39 AM EST
    I was downbound from Rush Lake to South Lyon and swiching Am stations as they came and went.....the guy arrested for the felony was carrying a knife or some other type of cutting weapon. Evidently the lad threatened an officer of the law after he broke the window to gain entrance to the capitol building. Maybe Michael Mwhore can go his bail?

    I really liked the way the laws closed the building and set the trash out to the curb at the end of the festivities. Because of or in spite of Ricky Nerd?

    • Moore by JGillman, 03/19/2011 08:41:41 AM EST (none / 0)
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