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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    A Brief Encounter With Reality

    By Kevin Rex Heine, Section News
    Posted on Sat Oct 01, 2011 at 12:59:38 AM EST
    Tags: foot-in-mouth disorder, blame Bush syndrome, own it (all tags)

    I know that our current POTUS loves wind power; and for proof of that I really don't have to look any further than the VPOTUS, who has this . . . interesting . . . knack for randomly shooting his mouth off about any topic that happens to come to mind.  Occasionally, that does involve him going just a tad . . . off message.  And every now and then, those off-message moments become a really big f***g deal.

    By now all of the regular readers on this site are well aware of the epic failure of Solyndra, and that the company is now poised to take $535 million of taxpayer dollars with it into oblivion in federal bankruptcy proceedings.  Likewise, we're all well aware that there are credible allegations of political favors being involved, not only in how this whole deal was closed to begin with, but also in light of the evidence that the Energy Department, knowing that the company had violated its loan terms, agreed to restructuring the loan provisions anyway.

    Of course, the propaganda machine went into full damage control mode this week, asserting that it's entirely possible that this mess won't be a total loss for We the Taxpayers, but I'm not sure anyone who's got a functioning ability to think critically is actually buying it.  So the administration and their willing media puppets readily resorted to an old standby:  Even though there are credible questions into how this whole loan application was handled, and the Department of Energy has some `splaining to do, since the application was first filed on George W. Bush's watch, it's gotta somehow be his fault.

    Nice try, y'all; but, as ABC and NPR have noted, the Energy Department's own internal documentation shows that the deal was shelved by Bush's watch, only to be resurrected almost immediately after Obama took office as a major political payback.  And you just know that the RNC is already making hay with it.

    And, to be honest with you, the "Blame Bush" mantra was old two years ago.  I mean, for crying out loud, hasn't anyone in Barry's crew heard of, "The Buck Stops Here"?

    And this is where Joe "Off Message Man" Biden steps in.

    In a radio interview Thursday in Miami on WLRN (in which he's ostensibly promoting Obama's Jobs Initiative), Vice-President Biden said (starting at about the 6:17 point): "Even though 50-some percent of the American people think the economy tanked because of the last administration, that's not relevant.  What's relevant is we're in charge."

    Yes, you are.  And as you yourself said, 2012 is going to be a referendum on Obama-Biden and on what y'all have done to this here economy.

    Of course, this one-line was picked up by The Ticket, Free Republic, Washington Post, and CBS News (among others).  Yes, Greg Sargent at WaPo did his best to spin the coverage, but the ugly reality is that Obama owns it, and the American voters will be making a choice between what he's offering and what the Republican nominee is offering.

    In my opinion, not only should the RNC jump all over this line, but every presidential primary candidate who's actually following Newt's admonishment - to keep the primary focused on what we're going to do to beat Obama instead of beating up on each other - should make this a tag line in at least one attack ad (focused on how badly Barry's screwed it up and why they ought to be the nominee to fix it).

    And while I'm thinking about it, that line should also be used in every senate race this coming cycle; at least the races involving anyone benefitting from Harry Reid's Las Vegas fundraiser.  Because if anyone in the U.S. Senate can be definitively identified as owning this mess, it's these sixteen senators.

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    Reality is good (none / 0) (#1)
    by Corinthian Scales on Sat Oct 01, 2011 at 09:42:51 AM EST
    The ultimate problem for Obama is much like the real problem for the entire Left.  Democratic Party Majority control of the Pelosi House (2007-2011) and the Reid Senate from 2007 to today.  Yes, they own where our nation is today.

    Since the '09 coronation of Obama, the Democratic Party enjoyed 2 full years of the Pelosi House and Reid Senate with their ability to do whatever pleases the whims of President Obama, and they did just that in lockstep unison.

    The Left exposed themselves as what they are... complete, total failures of ingrained Marxist ideology.

    Great write up Mr. Heine.

    Thank you

    Another (none / 0) (#2)
    by maidintheus on Sun Oct 02, 2011 at 03:39:02 PM EST
    fantastic and informative article. Thanks a million and keep 'em comin'!

    P.S. I love JB!

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