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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Good News For Michigan

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Mon Jan 10, 2011 at 10:57:45 AM EST
    Tags: Brian Zahra, Michigan, Supreme Court, Maura Corrigan, Rick Snyder (all tags)

    I had hoped to be able to announce Snyder's supreme court pick on Friday, but the announcement officially came only today about two hours ago.  I have to say..  keeping a secret like this is tough!

    Worth the wait however.  As now reported in the major news outlets including the Detroit News:

    "Judge Zahra's 16 years of judicial experience and his razor-sharp intelligence will make him an outstanding addition to the court," Snyder said.

    Snyder, who campaigned as "one tough nerd" to win the governor's race in November, noted Zahra is "a self-described law geek."

    "This is a case where it's nice to say a nerd gets to appoint a geek," Snyder said at a news conference."

    Not just a nerd, but a federalist, a rule of law man, and an outright decent guy. I found it interesting that an entry in judgepedia reflected his similarity to the justice being replaced; Maura Corrigan.  Under judicial philosophy they quote him:
    "One area in which I can emphatically state we are better off today than eight years ago relates to the court system." Explaining that he shares the philosophy of Justice Maura Corrigan and the majority of the Michigan Supreme Court, Zahra said he aims to search for the rule of law and respects the separation of powers, "Leaving to the legislature the significant policy questions of the day."

    This quote came from a forum June 20, 2006.

    ~ A little more below ~

    I will ALWAYS give credit where due.

    This pick by Snyder is as important to this state as any other decision at this time, and demonstrates a consciousness of how the makeup of the court can affect his tenure.  To have picked a moderate to liberal judge, would have risked any necessary reforms attempted, at the point when the lawsuits are brought in favor of protecting big labor.  This choice avoids a legislation from the bench arrangement that could cripple the administrations future efforts at reform.

    Add to this, Corrigan's rule of law stance and her passion for strong families will likely bring about reforms in the area of human services that have for so long needed to be fixed.  Concerns about losing her strength in the Michigan's highest court are now allayed.

    A FINE pick Governor Snyder..

    Setting the bar high at the start of your term is a great way to bring this state back.

    < Heated Rhetoric? | Rule Of Law Majority Preserved >

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    Agreed (none / 0) (#1)
    by Corinthian Scales on Mon Jan 10, 2011 at 11:16:53 AM EST
    Snyder did good with this appointment.

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