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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    The Story of "Bailout Bill" Schuette

    By Atlas Chuckled, Section News
    Posted on Tue Aug 24, 2010 at 09:19:47 AM EST
    Tags: Bill Schuette Ronald Reagan (all tags)

    Bill Schuette is a great guy. He gets us coffee at party events.  Bill is a heck of a backslapper and is great in the proverbial smoke filled rooms.

    But there is a lot about Bill Schuette that Bill Schuette wants you to forget.

    Schuette claims to be a Reagan conservative but would a Reagan conservative vote for billions in bailouts to the Savings and Loan industry?

    Schuette did in 1989. See for yourself.  House Roll No. 214: August 3, 1989

    When Schuette had the chance to stand up for conservative principals he chose not too.  A Reagan conservative would say no to bailouts.  A Reagan conservative would stay true to his conservative principals.

    But that is just the beginning of the "Bailout Bill Schuette" story.  More to come.

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    What are you talking about? (none / 0) (#1)
    by The Wizard of Laws on Wed Aug 25, 2010 at 05:24:30 PM EST
    Are you trying to say that Bill Schuette did not follow his conservative masters or school bosses?  If so, you have worded it correctly.  But, if you meant to say that he did not follow conservative values, then the word is "principles," not "principals."

    And, the S&L disaster is far-removed from his responsibilities as the next attorney general.  Let's try to be relevant instead of scouring 20-year old voting records for immaterial dirt.

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