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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Speaking of the 11th State Senate Race

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Fri Jul 09, 2010 at 09:08:53 AM EST
    Tags: Jen Gratz, MCRI, Jack Brandenburg, 11th State Senate Race, Leon Drolet, Mike Cox, White Lies, Michigan Civil Rights Initiative (all tags)

    Sometimes folks embellish a little when talking about accomplishments.  Perhaps to "color" the experience they wish to share, or to keep interest of those who are falling asleep during the story of their "great mountain lion hunt" on Mackinac Island.

    There are times and places appropriate for stretching of the truth..  Not LYING mind you.. but simply "seasoning".

    One of these should not be when seeking a position of trust.  Little white lies, indefensible inaccuracies, half truths.. not so good when looking to be elected.

    It seems we will always see more of those aberrations from decency however. No matter which election, or political party that is involved, some people either conveniently forget their REAL accomplishments, or they hope the public will.

    Jack Brandenburg is one of those, according to Jen Gratz, of Michigan Civil Rights Initiative fame.  

    The Harrison Township Republican, who faces Leon Drolet, Kim Meltzer, and Colleen Saputo in the Aug 03 11th district Senate Seat Primary, has made the following claim:

    "I was co-chairman of the initiative that led to Ballot Proposal 2 in 2006, which ended affirmative action policies at state universities. My business in Mt. Clemens was picketed by the N.A.A.C.P. They also distributed literature to every home in Mt. Clemens telling the residents to boycott my business because of what they perceived as racist views. Bottom line, people should be admitted into our universities based on merit, not race!"

    NOT SO FAST says Gratz.  Via her facebook page: (Or, see the image below)

    In 2006 the Michigan Civil Rights Initiative (MCRI; Proposal 2) appeared on the ballot. This took the hard work of many dedicated individuals - but Jack Brandenburg, despite what his campaign literature says, wasn't one of them. Jack Brandenburg initially agreed to be co-chairman of the MCRI petition drive. However, he abandoned the initiative in early 2004 just as the real work had to be done and long before voters had the opportunity to vote to end "affirmative action" programs that grant preferential treatment based on race.

    Perhaps Mr Brandenburg's business was indeed picketed.  Its entirely possible.  In fact what better reason to abandon a cause early in the process, when the pressure mounts, the heat is high, and the fire is something you cannot take. Fine.  Not wanting to expose yourself or family to the harsh realities of taking a stand for principle is not for all people.

    But to claim later, that you were there as a major player for the incredibly successful outcome that it enjoyed is just plain WRONG.

    Few people actually stood up for Gratz and the MCRI.  One of them was Leon Drolet. Another was Mike Cox, the AG.  In fact while the Republican party of Michigan weaseled around an issue that was clearly one of taking a moral stand, these two were prominently promoting it.  They were right, and the vote that ensued showed that a majority of Michiganders were right as well.

    Its sometimes incredibly hard to stand for that which you know to be correct, when the pressure of your peers, and a perceived public opinion is quite strong against it.  And seemingly, a paper thin moral compass, much like a sail, allows only a straight up stand after the winds of the storm have passed..

    Its not so hard to vote for the winner after the results have been announced.

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    Playing devil's advocate here. (none / 0) (#1)
    by KG One on Fri Jul 09, 2010 at 11:11:52 AM EST
    The local paper did a piece on this today.

    The fact that it was written by their own resident democratic sycophant Chad Selweski, didn't exactly enhance it's credibility, but here's the take from the other side:

    "Brian Pannebecker, who served as Macomb County coordinator of the Prop. 2 campaign, said Gratz fails to recall the full extent of Brandenburg's involvement. A Senate campaign volunteer for Brandenburg, Pannebecker said the former lawmaker collected numerous signatures in the early days of the drive and helped with erecting campaign signs in key Macomb locations as the 2006 vote approached.

    Brandenburg, who served six years in the House, said the timing of Gratz's attack piece should raise questions with voters.

    "I find it pretty interesting that, after all this time, she waits until (a few) weeks before the August primary to bring these things up," he said."

    Like what was mentioned above, I have no reason to doubt that he was actually picketed (although at the MEDEFCO meeting he spoke at several months ago, I'm pretty sure that he said it was BAMN and not the NAACP doing the protesting), but even still, if he can't stand up to a group of loud-mouthed agitators, just how does he expect to stand up democrats and their loyal minions if he is elected.

    This was sent to me this am. (none / 0) (#3)
    by KG One on Fri Jul 09, 2010 at 11:43:10 AM EST
    From Gongwer:


    Jennifer Gratz, who led the 2006 ballot proposal to ban the consideration of race and gender in university admissions and government hiring, said Thursday that then-Rep. Jack Brandenburg phoned her, posed as a news reporter and asked her what she thought of oral sex.

    That's a bold accusation!

    Does anyone have access to Gongwer?

    I'd like to know what is in the rest of the article?

    Okay.... (none / 0) (#5)
    by KG One on Fri Jul 09, 2010 at 12:24:56 PM EST
    ...that's just sick.

    Stupid, drunken, frat-boy, Bill-Clinton-esque antics are the last thing I expected from him.

    I've lost all respect that I had for the guy.

    For all those of you w/o a Facebook Account (none / 0) (#6)
    by KG One on Fri Jul 09, 2010 at 12:44:49 PM EST
    Here is a screenshot of the information in question.

    Facebook Screenshot

    Jason, if this goes a little beyond what it deemed "appropriate", I won't be offended if this post gets deleted.

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