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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Tea Party Ballot trick statement

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Wed Jul 14, 2010 at 11:19:42 PM EST
    Tags: Tea Party, GOP, Michigan, deceit (all tags)

    Michigan Republican Party Chairman Ron Weiser issued the following statement on the Tea Party ballot trick:

    "In a Hail Mary-style last ditch effort, desperate stooges of the Democrat Party have attempted to confuse Michigan voters by hijacking the name of the Tea Party movement.  Make no mistake; these tax-and-spend liberal actors are not the real deal.  Every true Tea Party organization has disavowed this effort and identified it for what it is: base political maneuvering.

    "While the Michigan Democrats try to play games by confusing voters and shifting attention away from their record of failure, the Michigan Republican Party has been and continues to be committed to working with true Tea Party activists and other concerned families across our state to elect leaders who will bring about the real reforms we need to rein in out of control spending, reduce our bloated government and Fix Michigan."

    Indeed..  I am as "tea party" as they come..  This is a shill attempt by Brewer and the party of no morals.  They cannot win straight up, so they must use deception.

    The sooner the progressives in Michigan lose ALL influence, the better.

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    Open question here? (none / 0) (#1)
    by KG One on Fri Jul 16, 2010 at 03:57:51 PM EST
    Someone told me that according to Michigan election law, these Tea Party-wannabes don't have to announce the time, date or location of their convention.

    All they need to do is turn in a list of "candidates" to the SoS?

    Is this true?

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