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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Eat a hearty breakfast lads.. for tomorrow

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Fri Apr 30, 2010 at 03:38:37 PM EST
    Tags: Smoking, Abusive law, Michigan, Bans, Liberty, Restaurants, Hookah Bars, Cigar Bars, 48169 (all tags)

    We Dine in zip code 48169...

    Michigan.. and maybe all other locations not populated with a great amount of restaurants.

    Aw shucks, if only you didn't smoke.  If you do, maybe you can find a speakeasy that allows such things to go on without the interfering nonsense by "the man."  Maybe one with a good 10 year old "look out" who can make funny noises when a health department stooge is strolling by..  MAYBE they can incorporate a good FATTY FOOD into their menu to irritate the next batch of do gooders who want to save you from yourself.

    Even the Hookah bar owners are a little angry now.  But the Arab American population in Michigan sure didn't voice its opposition at the right time to the smoking ban that they too could gain the exalted exemption like those cigar bars and casinos.

    Apparently they will try to offer up reasoning because they don't smoke "tobacco" products:
    Members of the National Heritage Association, which represents more than 120 hookah bars in the state, say they hope for a legal opinion on whether they could allow the smoking of tobacco-free herbs in their hookah pipes under the tobacco-free law, and they may go to court to ask for an exemption from the ban.

    Huh..  More power to em.  the article continues with some expected complaints:

    "It's not equal rights to all citizens," said Mike Berry, president of the association and the owner of 360 Lounge and Grille, a Dearborn hookah bar.

    Not equal rights..  Indeed..  Even if you get your exemption it will not be.  Some folks are more "right worthy" than others I suppose.  This pitiful legislation demonstrates a great deal of ignorance by our legislative manipulators, as well as indifference to the fairness of "equal protection under the law."

    And the very reason some of these businesses thrive, is the mixture of culture and freedom offered in the marketplace. But...

    The law bans smoking anywhere food or drink is served, and eating and smoking are part of the hookah bar tradition, Berry said. For people of Middle Eastern descent, the hookah bar is a gathering place for friends and family members at the end of the day.

    "I go there at least three or four times a week," said Sami Bazzi, 25, of Dearborn, whose parents moved to the United States from Lebanon.

    "It's very, very unfair for them to say we can't sit around and socialize and smoke a hookah."

    Dang you Lansing!!!  I WANT MY HOOKAH!!!

    Oh yeah, but I quit smoking years ago...  I guess then, I should assume no one else has the right to decide when and where they can consume a legal substance.  I mean.. If I'm not doing it, it must be wrong enough for me to force my will on others to comply with my choices.  


    No.. this really is not about smoking, but rather the insistence of a little too much for-your-own-goodness that has little room for liberty, freedom of association, and common sense

    Smoke em while you can, in a chophouse near you.

    < We All Live In Poletown. | Tabloids, Hard News, and American Pravda >

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    The zip code (none / 0) (#1)
    by JGillman on Sat May 01, 2010 at 11:58:59 AM EST
    There are multiple places in 48169.. one of them a little to the SW.. lol.. sigh..

    Animal Farm (none / 0) (#2)
    by Corinthian Scales on Mon May 03, 2010 at 08:28:56 AM EST
    Yep, been saying it for the past twenty years now.  We are all living out three books right now.  Animal Farm, Nineteen Eighty-four (that is the proper name), and Atlas Shrugged.


    Antonio Gramschi Is Smiling

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