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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Its All Good News For The Governor..

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Mon Apr 26, 2010 at 10:03:25 AM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Granholm, Supreme Court, Governor, Diversity (all tags)

    Too much to ignore.. From the Detroit news..

    "We have hit bottom," Granholm said in a wide-ranging interview with CNN's Candy Crowley, host of the Sunday morning "State of the Union" show. "But we've got to keep pushing on this move to diversify our economy and educate our kids."

    And... Why have we hit bottom?  I mean.. just saying..   Especially when you follow up with "we've got to keep pushing on this move to diversify.."


    'Diversity' used to be a good word. It meant a variety of options, different flavors, or CHOICE!

    Now it seems, one cannot hear the word diversity without an expected follow up of how some contrived integration system will be put in place to apply a mixture of people of varying skin color, ethnicity, or gender to a work or learning environment.  The underlying premise is that natural selectors would not suitably fill to the appropriate ratios, such variety.

    Its a word that also seems well suited to inject a forced economy model with regard to energy, and our ability to produce it. Instead of traditional sources such as coal, or Natural gas, we forcibly 'diversify' our energy options through standards applied by mandates of law.  Percentages to be met and 'encourage' movement to renewable sources through penalties.  

    Never mind that those new sources bring with them new costs, unexpected new problems and unreliable grid consequence.

    Oh that's right Guv..  Keep pushing.  You have shown how well it can be done.  Suggesting we have hit bottom, and that the only way forward is up, says quite a bit for the future of Michigan.  I would agree Ms Granholm, we have certainly been "floored" by your presence here.  In fact Michigan's once mighty manufacturing element, built on a NOT-SO-DIVERSE electrical structure has not only been "blown away", but is now set to be "swept away" by the new owners of our currency in China and elsewhere.

    But she isn't finished..  Oh no

    In fact the 'destroyer' has essentially challenged the president to make her his choice for the Supreme Court.  From the same article:

    But Granholm did hint that it would behoove the White House to consider non-traditional candidates for the nation's highest court.

    "I think it's a very wise move to consider experience that isn't just from the judiciary," Granholm said. "People who have applied the laws and seen their impact -- for somebody to see and experience what everyday people see and experience, I think that's important."

    Indeed..  He might take that challenge

    Given Obama's seemingly guided efforts to destroy the United States' economy with cap and tax, auto bail outs, or control of our health care system it seems they are philosophical twins. For that matter, the use of lawbreaking organizations paid for by public monies in get the vote out efforts render the election system a sham, seems to be similar to the public trust being betrayed by our own labor union leadership filling the coffers of  Granholm's toadies in the State House.

    It would be like sunshine in the park.  Tickles up legs.. or a guarantee that the country could "feel our pain" for the next 40 years of her appointment.

    Think it couldn't happen?

    < Jason Allen, Traverse City and the First District | JUST IN! HB 6075 Regulate abortion coverage if the Cox lawsuit is not successful >

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    Feiger (none / 0) (#1)
    by grannynanny on Mon Apr 26, 2010 at 11:10:09 AM EST
    was on Paul W and Beckman this morning defending her and saying what happened in Michigan the last 8 yrs. is all Bush's fault.  What a jerk!  Should be interesting to have him throw his hat in the ring but it should be under the communist party not the democratic party.

    What have they been smoking? (none / 0) (#2)
    by KG One on Mon Apr 26, 2010 at 11:34:15 AM EST
    I don't think that Granholm has no chance, just very little.

    Her background isn't radical enough for Pres. B.O.'s people (she didn't blow up anything a'la "Weathermen", was not vocally active enough in destroying our economy or denouncing it, didn't associate with racist "holy" men), which is why I don't feel that she'll be chosen.

    Regarding Fieger, I really hope that he runs!

    It will give me a reason to vote for a democrat (just like in '98).

    Keep pushing (none / 0) (#3)
    by LookingforReagan on Mon Apr 26, 2010 at 03:50:40 PM EST
    Because there is one tiny glimmer of what used to be Michigan's strong and prosperous economy still surviving. The Czarina and her Messiah won't be completely satisfied until Michigan is completely destroyed for introducing the automobile to the world. That crime can never be punished enough. For ripping the natural resources out of mother earth, for exploiting workers by giving them jobs by which they supported themselves and their families.Michigan supplied iron and copper to other industries that brought better lives and a more prosperous way of living to millions of people of this planet. Nothing can repay the misery wrought by the industrial revolution which saw it's zenith here in Michigan. For that Granholm and Teleprompter Jesus will take untold vengence on what remains of Michigan, her people and our small surviving economy.

    Shameless And Diluted (none / 0) (#4)
    by restricted on Tue Apr 27, 2010 at 08:33:45 AM EST
    I don't remember ever seeing a person lobby for themselves on national TV for a SCOTUS job. Sheesh, Jenny has got to be desperate now that she's been passed over earlier by the Obama administration; it's just pathetic to watch. Somehow this Governor needs an intervention from narcissism.

    Whose bottom have we hit? (none / 0) (#5)
    by geek49203 on Tue Apr 27, 2010 at 10:38:28 PM EST
    I think that it's my bottom that has been hit... my house can't get any interest at $80k, and it was worth $140k 4 years ago.

    Why am I selling?

    So I can move to Texas, where I have a job....

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