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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Joe Schwarz makes it official

    By Republican Michigander, Section News
    Posted on Tue Mar 02, 2010 at 05:02:53 PM EST
    Tags: Joe Schwarz (all tags)

    It's an interesting day today. We had the oral arguments of McDonald v Chicago. If I can find audio of that case, I'll be listening to it. If not, I'll settle for the transcript. I want to at least see the text before I comment on the case and the commentators of the case. I won't speculate on the decision.

    In gubernatorial news, Andy Dillon is in. If you think Lansing and the house majority is doing a great job right now, vote for Andy. I'm not voting for him. He is better than Joe Schwarz though, but who isn't?

    Speaking of the Second Amendment and other issues, Joe Schwarz just won't go away. He's back, and this time running as an independent. He has the exploratory committee out at least. From Politico.

        Former Rep. Joe Schwarz (R-Mich.) said Tuesday that he's forming an exploratory committee to help raise funds and begin building a structure and staff for an independent campaign for governor.

        "We're forming an exploratory committee as soon as possible - my attorney is working on it right now," Schwarz told POLITICO, adding that it should be finalized within 48 hours. "We're trying to take this in a logical sequence because this simply hasn't been done before in Michigan."

        Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0310/33771.html#ixzz0h3OqGtdz

    Expect to hear a lot about this. The media loves this guy. The Lansing elite loves this guy. They refer to him as a "statesman." I refer to him as an arrogant politician who thinks his you know what doesn't stink. The public didn't care for him, and that was shown in the 2006 primary when he was shown the door. It was also shown in 2002 gubernatorial race where he got 20 some odd percent in the primary. I could have done that.

    If you have doubts about Joe's leanings, Schwarz took money from the democrats top guy. Jon Stryker, the radical rich leftist. He also took money from well known democrats James Byrum (of the same family), Dennis Hertel (former house leader), Phil Power (UM Trustee, leader of Center for Michigan, and former Argus owner), Lana Pollack (ex-State Senator), and Rick Wiener (Granholm's Chief of Staff) was listed as well.

    As Schwarz no longer is a RINO (for supporting leftist democrats like Mark Schauer) and is running as a arrogant version of John Anderson independent, we need to remember that this guy isn't an outsider who wants to clean up the mess. He's the insider of insiders, and is part of that close knit group of people that thinks he knows what's best for you. He's with the Center for Michigan crowd, the con-con wonks, the commissions, the cocktail parties, etc.

    Schwarz is one of the people behind this con-con push. From 2006. That includes eliminating safeguards against government power. The "Citizens for Michigan" proposals are listed here in my comments on the con-con.

    That doesn't get to Schwarz's 2002 campaign stances where he was against the 2nd Amendment, calling the concealed carry supporters "bubba who straps on a 9mm". He voted against it. At another point, he said he didn't have a problem with "Calhoun County" residents with guns, but had a problem with "Wayne County" people with guns. I didn't hear that one first hand, but heard that he made that comment from at least three sources. The bubba quote was on several occasions. Schwarz also called pro-lifers zealots and ripped them in a debate against Posthumus over in Rochester in 2002. I was there. He also at the same even campaigned on increasing property taxes.

    We've had budget problems for 10 years. Schwarz was there for part of that and could have helped stop this without tax increases if he chose to do so. He didn't.

    The good thing about this is that Schwarz will take more votes from democrats than republicans. He's a more arrogant version of John Anderson. Which republicans will he take votes from outside of Calhoun County? Tax hawks? He supports increases. Gun Owners? They despise him. Pro-lifers? I don't think so? Spending cuts? Nope. Club for Growth went after him for a reason. National defense? Not an issue in a gubernatorial race.

    We need change in Michigan. Change does not mean electing an arrogant insider who will try and pass himself off as an outsider. Joe Schwarz is part of the problem. We don't need Lansing elites running the show. I'd frankly prefer more Granholm to this guy, and there's no way I'd give her a 3rd term.

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    Good Lord! (none / 0) (#1)
    by grannynanny on Tue Mar 02, 2010 at 06:45:37 PM EST
    Good Lord!  Before this is over with we will have Kwame Kilpatrick running for governor in the mix! Or how about Jeffrey Feiger, perhaps Monica Conyers and then there is always Daniel Mulhurn or how about that gawd awful radio announcer from Lansing - Michael Patrick Shiels.  Maybe we could throw Mitch Albom into it too!  How about throwing a carpet bagger in like Andy Stern? Or maybe a home grown union thug like Jimmy Hoffa's boy?  Oh the possibilities to complete implode the State of Michigan are endless.

    On another subject - could you please get rid of the picture of John Cherry on the website?  

    Not More Of The Same (none / 0) (#3)
    by restricted on Thu Mar 04, 2010 at 10:11:59 AM EST
    Joe's the consummate progressive Republican. He's a radical, narcissistic control freak that cloaks himself with the false outward impressions of moderation. He is the poster boy of exactly what the Republic should reject as a politico. You couple all of this with the repulsive human trait of arrogance and you have someone who has no business of being near the reins of power in any capacity. Go away Joe; you're making a horse's ass of yourself as usual.

    Good Ole Uncle Joe. (none / 0) (#4)
    by LookingforReagan on Thu Mar 04, 2010 at 08:19:22 PM EST
    When he was my State Senator I never ceased to be amazed at the high opinion he had of himself. Whenever I would write or call the office I would always recieve a letter a few weeks later telling me what an idiot I was for thinking. That was his job. To vote in a way that "he" knew was best for me. No matter if I was in total disagreement with the dear man. Yes, he is never wrong. I would sooner cut my arm off then vote for Uncle Joe again for anything. The "Uncle Joe" moniker refers to his remarkable resemblence to another Uncle Joe. Just another Tyrant in waiting.

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