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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Maybe The Right Idea, Definitely The Wrong People..

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Wed Nov 24, 2010 at 11:25:52 AM EST
    Tags: Granholm, WAPO, Obama, Fail (all tags)

    Its amazing how some writers, pundits, or analysts completely miss the point when offering up their wordy utterances for public consumption.

    The recognition that Obama 'ain't the guy' somehow has begun to worm its way into the rotting brain matter of liberal journalists, and given the Soros cold shoulder recently, its not a surprise.  Substantive understanding however, of the problems we face is not necessarily shown when such authors as Jonathan Capehart at the WAPO have THIS to say:

    "Focusing on Obama's personnel, we agreed that the president needed to widen his circle of confidants beyond his Chicago security blanket. "He needs a governor," my friend said. My perfect candidates: Ed Rendell (D-Pa.) and Jennifer Granholm (D-Mich.). "

    Hello?  McFly?  Let us in the great lakes state of Michigan point something out to you.  Granholm was Obama, BEFORE Obama was Obama..  

    But never let THAT stop a plan from unfolding..

    Granholm's flirting with White House positions has been the talk of many on these pages, and every time someone mentions the possibility of our state's most miserable failure in history on a short list of federal policy or judgeship positions, it sours my milk.

    This woman should NEVER have ANY position of authority EVER again.  Prior to her administration's two terms, Michigan had ALWAYS lagged the country into recessionary times and led the country out.  Its resilience was legendary.  With her at the helm, Michigan has been both torpedo and anchor.. Punching a hole in an otherwise booming economy, and holding the country back.

    Rhetoric..  Right?

    When one chases the manufacturing base out of the state with an emphasis on necessarily increasing energy costs through 'green' initiatives, what might be the goal?  When the top executive, for the sake of her labor cohorts promotes and passes legislation that further separates job creators from prospective employees through an unreachable minimum wage, it seems the MUST be a plan.  When the state has a budget hole looming, money that could be spent on roads, and infrastructure is used to reward someone...  ..with a build of an expensive and unnecessary new State Police building..

    Never mind that any business that was forced to consider re-locating out of Michigan had to also consider fleeing the country as well.  Especially seeing the new CEO of government motors gearing up for take overs and re-alignment of private assets in a manner not befitting the last hope for mankind; the US of A.  And if you think the selling of GM stock had anything to do with reality, you're late to the party.  

    Granholm might be the perfect candidate for something...  but certainly not for any advisory position, authoritative position, or any job that has to do with REAL LIVES affected by decisions.

    So mister WAPO guy..  Soros might have you suggesting that Obama is not doing so good, but if you think it couldn't be worse, then you haven't met our guv.

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    Send her!!!! (none / 0) (#1)
    by Corinthian Scales on Wed Nov 24, 2010 at 01:10:33 PM EST
    Are you sh!tting me?  Put all the progressives in one circle.  Send the MoleRattler to the White House.  Her nasty ass will be sent packing from there too in 2013 anyway.

    And if 'We the People' don't end up booting ObaMao and the MoleRattler from the White House in 2013, then I unequivocally have to agree with a statement made yesterday by Rep. Paul, "If we tolerate this," Paul said, "there's something wrong with us."

    That same statement is applicable to the thieving, wealth spreading Marxist Queef-in-Chief.

    The LibTards are even killing the only useful thing to come of Pontiac in decades too.

    Yah, it's hitting them a little too close to home...

    What? (none / 0) (#2)
    by Rougman on Wed Nov 24, 2010 at 02:50:28 PM EST
    Hugo Chavez isn't available?

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