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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Fred Upton, Thomas Edison and Whirlpool

    By jenkuz, Section News
    Posted on Sat Nov 13, 2010 at 02:13:34 PM EST
    Tags: Upton, Edison, Michigan, energy, electricity, Whirlpool, Stockman, Congress (all tags)


    Congressman Fred Upton is the grandson of the co-founder of Whirlpool.

    I find that interesting.

    Thomas Edison has been credited with bringing light to a world of darkness, but he also has been credited with coming up with the FIRST MODEL OF A COMPLETE CENTRAL POWER STATION.

    Power generation to the masses gave rise to many more inventions, like the electric clothes washer.

    So, basically if not for Edison, Whirlpool may never have been founded, because at the time, Edison was competing with other scientists in both America and Europe.

    If Edison had not exhibited electric generation to the masses in New York and Massachusetts, the Uptons of Michigan may not have started a multi-billion dollar industry, benefiting nearly every household in the modern world and families who worked for and are still working for Whirlpool.

    Fred Upton went to college, received a Bachelor's degree, and immediately began work as a staffer for David Stockman, an economist who would eventually become part of the Reagan Administration.

    Would he have been able to do that if there was no Thomas Edison?

    Upton wants to become the chair of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, yet he introduced a bill to ban the incandescent light bulb by 2012. That bill became law, and it needs to be repealed.

    It seems to me that Upton should have been shouting against banning the work of the man who buttered his bread.

    < Upton Relied On Industry-Crushing Environmentalists | Reduce out-of-control spending now >

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