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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    An Update on the Senate Leadership thing..

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Fri Oct 15, 2010 at 11:41:57 PM EST
    Tags: John Proos, Randy Richardville, Senate Leadership, Michigan, SEIU (all tags)

    I Have previously posted on the "Most Powerful man" and totally plagiarized Jack Hoogendyk's writing to set the tone for my opinion on who might best represent the Republicans and be the gatekeeper of legislation going forward in the Senate.

    I suggested John Proos would be best.  And even in the face of one of my "litmus" issues being challenged I hold to this. I may at some point elaborate.  Just know that the race is between Proos and Randy Richardville.

    Richardville though on the right side of my pet peeve (smoking bans in private business) is on the WRONG side of property interest in other areas.  

    Add to this, a 4th from the BOTTOM Score card from Common Sense in Government. Ow.

    But this gem from one of the most far left liberals (who BTW works in the legislative offices in Lansing) out there:

    I also got a response from SEIU political director Vaughn Thompson, who assured we that Nofs, as well as Sen. Randy Richardville, R-Monroe, are both "pro-worker." I about fell out of my chair when I heard that one. I don't yet know a whole lot about Nofs' record, but I'm familiar with the record of the man from my hometown of Monroe. He is anything but pro-worker, and I don't understand how he got that undeserved reputation.

    "We all know that Right to Work is wrong for Michigan and so does Mike Nofs and some others pro-worker Republicans like Randy Richardville," Thompson wrote.

    I don't often believe ol Kevin..  but since it seemed to offend him so much it might be worth considering as fact. SEIU has Richardville's back. Double Ow.

    you might want to call your senate hopefuls..  and at least TALK to them.  The decision who will be our gatekeeper is an important one.

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