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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Brighton takes a stand against Big Government

    By Republican Michigander, Section News
    Posted on Tue Sep 08, 2009 at 09:49:39 PM EST
    Tags: Big government, tea party (all tags)

    Pictures are at my site.
    Brighton takes stand against Big Government

    Holy Smokes. I didn't expect this big of a crowd.
    I debated whether to go to the tea party or not, but decided to do so. With the punk and Joker Mr. Obama's latest proposal, it was the last straw. He now wants to fine individuals $3800 for forgoing health insurance. Whether or not one wants insurance is none of your damn business. Bastards. In other news, he wants to raise the debt ceiling to 12 trillion. We got to pay that off somehow. China will collect eventually.

    It's time to run the big spenders, taxers, and regulators out of DC and Lansing. This tea party needs to be a first step to run the clowns out, whether it be local, state, or federal. Unfortunately, we don't have a big chance federally until 2012 when the Dangerously Incompetent Debbie Stabenow is next up. A major difference can be made at the state level when we have an open seat for the Governor, Attorney General, Secretary of State, and State Senate positions. John Cherry spent 8 years as Granholm's LT. Nice guy, but wrong for the job. Valde Garcia is term limited out. Joe Hune was solid in his six years against the big spending, tax raising, fee raising, and regulations that were pushed in Lansing. He'll be solid as a senator.

    The estimates of the crowd range from 2000 to 4000. I'm not sure of the exact number, but it was wall to wall of people on all sides of the Mill Pond going back from Main Street to St Paul to the Gazebo to the Imagination Station Playground border. I haven't seen this many people in one spot in Brighton since the old football games in the mid 90's against South Lyon. Parking? Forget it. It was a clustermuck.

    The speeches were basic less government and more freedom talk. I've heard them before as a political junkie, but it was cool for those who haven't heard them. The crowd numbers sent the biggest message. One other good thing I saw was that there wern't many idiots. Out of the thousands there, only two signs I saw that did not belong there because of Godwin's law. That's not a bad ratio. Less than 1%.

    My favorite sign was this:

    Democrats destroyed Detroit, now Michigan. That is the absolute truth. The liberal democrats - starting with WHITE democrats in the 1960's destroyed that city (riots were on his watch), moved out, and now want to inflict what they did there here. If you want what happened to Detroit to happen here, vote the same bums in, the Jerry Cavanaugh's of today, and continuing with the Coleman Youngs afterward.

    That is what will happen if the same jokers are elected here in Livingston County. That is what will happen to the state if the same jokers are elected in Lansing once again, and what will happen to the entire country if the current fools in DC are brought back again in 2010 and 2012. Send them home.  Cherry, Whitmer, Stabenow, Levin, Schauer, Peters, Obama, Reid, Pelosi, Baucus.

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