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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Rep John Dingell Town Hall farce in Romulus - Update

    By KG One, Section News
    Posted on Fri Aug 07, 2009 at 12:28:25 AM EST
    Tags: John Dingell Town Hall Farce (all tags)

    (Promoted by Nick...)

    Well, I gotta hand it to them.

    Wayne County Democrats did a great job of stacking the meeting, while simultaneously angering the large number of people who were in attendance this evening.

    Film at 11!

    {Just kidding, click below...}

    What is it about democrats, and their need to schedule their "Town Hall" meetings when people are working.

    Well, fortunately (sort of) I was able to make it to the fabulous Romulus Athletic Center, in the shadow of Metro Airport.

    Romulus 2

    As you can see, there was a great turnout at Thursday Night's meeting.

    Romulus 2

    Unfortunately, local democrats got there first (from several people I spoke with in line, WAY before 5:30) and were led into the conference room through a side door and not through the front entrance that the rest of us waited to enter through. The local democrats  took up nearly 6-7 rows out of the 9 rows that I could see through a side window.

    The rest of them moseyed outside to try to engage the crowd in an argument about HR 3200.

    They tried to antagonize those in line by telling us that we didn't know what we were talking about (even after several people pulled out hard copied of sections of the bill and offered to pull it up on the PDA's...but according to them, it wasn't the REAL bill).

    My personal favorite was the campaign volunteer trying to act like a concerned resident handing out literature on health care without ANY listing as to who wrote it or where it came from (I can post this later in case anyone is interested).

    Now, in their defense, they did allow a group in for a second town hall meeting, but due to the ridiculously small size of the room that they had rented (approx 175 seats), to say nothing about stacking the audience (gee, I wonder what Ed Shultz or Rachel Maddow would say about THAT), in the end though the majority of the people in line were eventually turned away.

    Mrs. John Dingell had something to say about being turned away here:

    (Holy Joe Biden, Batman! Did she just forget her husband's website address???)

    Romulus 3

    Romulus 7


    So my observations on the democrats new tactics regarding town halls:

    • Schedule smaller venues to control crowds.

    • Quietly invite as many supporters (union members, ACORN, BAMN, etc) as you can to try to sway popular opinion of the few who are able to get inside to your side of the issue. Unfortunately, it failed on the majority who spoke amongst themselves outside and greatly outnumbered supporters of health care "reform".

    • Dispatch a small number of your sycophants to intermingle with the crowd in order to provoke a reaction. Giving them conflicting information works to promote the above. This also works best when the local media finally get off of their sorry duff and appear at event.

    • Have your spouse (or other family member) intermingle with the crowd. They should act evasive to direct questions from the audience. And certainly, don't let them know your position on the issue. Having them act sympathetic and apologetic to those in attendance in order to engender a favorable response to your side is a nice finishing touch.

    Anyway, most of the people were civil.

    No brown-shirt, swastika wearing Nazi's that I could see.

    Well maybe there was one exception...

    < Choking, Propping, Hammering and Crippling Michigan to Success | The mess that's being left >

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    It is a great public service (none / 0) (#1)
    by maidintheus on Fri Aug 07, 2009 at 07:23:43 AM EST
    to make this information available.

    There aren't enough words to express my appreciation to all of you here who work so diligently.

    Great post and graphics, KG!

    good job KG One (none / 0) (#3)
    by steve on Fri Aug 07, 2009 at 07:52:52 AM EST
    I like the 'having spouse or family member' tactic. These people will stop at nothing to advance their agenda.

    AARP a shill for DNC and far left agendas (none / 0) (#5)
    by maidintheus on Sat Aug 08, 2009 at 07:34:41 AM EST
    "Now, people when I say...'What are you talking about, Joe? You're telling me we have to go spend money to keep from going bankrupt?' The answer is yes, that's what I'm telling you."
    VP Biden, in a speech to the AARP  7/16/09

    Always, thanks for your links!

    Did you see Obama on his birthday telling M. Albright to distribute the cupcakes however she liked?

    Thank you (none / 0) (#7)
    by apackof2 on Sat Aug 08, 2009 at 01:34:28 PM EST
    for the after action report...Last minute change of plans prevented me from attending,(out of town friend filming a documentary on socialism) However I knew the lefties would out in full force since they know how well their Town Hall propaganda meeting have been received. Plus many of our blogs are monitored but glad to see a very good turn out by Michigan patriots just the same


    Thank you for the complements. (none / 0) (#8)
    by KG One on Sat Aug 08, 2009 at 01:44:52 PM EST
    I glad to hear that the information IS getting out there and that it is appreciated by those reading it.

    I also wanted to add one thing to what was mentioned above, and that has to do with AARP's involvement in HR 3200.

    Someone sent me a link to the "town hall" meetings that took place last Thursday (link for the "Town Hall" Scene 1, Take 1 below). The MC of Rep. Dingell's event was none other than Eric Schneiderland of the...

    ...wait for it...



    Things didn't go well from there.

    Over kill so that dog doesn't hunt anymore! (none / 0) (#14)
    by maidintheus on Sat Aug 08, 2009 at 04:02:15 PM EST
    Frankly, if a person that is handicapped doesn't apply for the appropriate coverage, or prefers Obamacare, I'm not jumping off the bridge too.

    Lady in wheelchair: She should be asking for the same health ins. (at least) as the politicians standing behind her, that she supports. If she doesn't want to hear the truth, she shouldn't be using her handicap to coerce people to except more socialism.

    Even on an airplane we know that the adults have to be brave and put the oxygen mask on first. 'Poor lil' baby' tactics are stupid.

    We are going to stand up (to anyone) for our Republic. We'll be glad to share it, as we always have.

    At least Dingleberry's meeting was public! (none / 0) (#15)
    by MichWolverine on Tue Aug 11, 2009 at 02:22:00 PM EST
    Senator Debbie Stabenow held, what she claimed to be, a 'PUBLIC' meeting to discuss the Democrats' healthcare plan.

    However, her meeting was not publicized and the attendees were via invitation-only. She didn't even allow the media in until the final ten minutes.

    Her deceit and cowardly behavior indicates two things:  1) She is ignorant of the Bill's details and is unprepared for an indepth discussion; and 2) In her arrogance, she has convinced herself that she is not OBLIGATED to meet with her constituents to discuss a Bill which she supports and which has far-reaching econimic, social and health implications.

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