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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Michigan Business Done Right - Security Producer's Logistical Use Rebate Grant & Entitlement

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Tue Aug 11, 2009 at 10:52:58 PM EST
    Tags: Incentives, Payoffs, Government, Film Credits (all tags)

    Don't mind me, as I prepare my suggestion for Michigan's new "S.P.L.U.R.G.E." proposal.  I want to be sure that I have all my ducks in a row.. or at least geese (you know.. the golden kind..) so that my proposal to help security product distributors all over the state of Michigan draw new business and be more competitive!

    I mean shucks, I can hardly remember all the times I was told things like "you're 6 percent higher than ABC Security out of Hoboken," or "with prices that are 10 points more than Amalgamated CCTV products of Denver, no wonder you have to give a hat away with every $10,000 sale."

    Its unbearable to hear the words "You Cost too much!" ..grooooan. It especially hurts, because I like to offer world class after the sale service, and especially because I like to be able to pay the rent.

    Yes, we all know times are tough, and as most of you might realize, Michigan does not have a very good incentive for CCTV and Security Component distributors to locate or maintain a presence here. In the future they will refer to this period as "the era of the.." well.. anyhow,  they are running like lemmings for [gasp] places like OHIO or...  Louisiana, or even Florida!  I am toughing it out so far, but for some reason, solid CCTV warehouse friendly policy just isn't already on Michigan government's books.  Go figure.

    So here it is..  (Please feel free to pass it along to YOUR  state representative or state senator as well.)

    Dear Representative,
    I sell security equipment wholesale.  I lose at least four to five sales for every one sale that I make.  My level of expertise is such, that the loss of these sales can only mean one thing; that my prices are TOO HIGH.  To solve this troubling issue, I may have to make one of the following choices:

    1.Stay here in Michigan, and lower my prices, resulting in a lower standard of living for myself and my family.  It may also result in fewer raises for the employees, or one less business bought pizza lunch for the gang.  A sorrowful dilemma if there ever was one.
    2.Leave Michigan for a more CCTV warehouse friendly clime..  Perhaps one that offers a little help for a business that employs a few high caliber technicians.
    3.Stay in Michigan and tough it out, keeping my prices near the level they are, and simply relying on my true competitive spirit to make the deals in a way that makes a decent living, provides value for all, and keeps the doors open through innovative perseverance. (Yeah..suure WHAT-EVER...)

    You see sir/madame, I would like to add an option 4., Have the state reimburse me for a percentage of the money I spend while doing business here. (Employees, equipment, ETC...) this would allow me to undercut ALL my competitors in those other states who just don't understand what it means to be a Michigander.

    We could design it in the form of a "rebate," not entirely unlike the Michigan Film Credit.  A check issued to my business (ahem... Or other "qualified" distributors of security equipment)  for Say.. 30%? Maybe call it the "Security Producer's Logistical Use Rebate Grant & Entitlement?"  A fancy name ALWAYS helps to enlist cosponsors to be sure, and makes it seem important enough to earn the respect of naysayers and supporters alike.


    I am convinced the plan could work if it was crafted carefully enough by your capable staff (or one of my suitable lobbyists if you like..) in a way that could create new jobs in my industry, spin offs, long term growth etc..  You know, you guys do this all the time. Everybody knows the state always picks the sure fire winners.

    I also realize the state would then feel obligated to provide a CCTV "warehouse distributor's service office" in Lansing, but on the bright side, that too would create more employment (and they would be  UNION JOBS to boot!) bringing another Michigan family closer to prosperity.  More employees I could put to work more easily, extra Lansing jobs, and more money flowing through Michigan's economy from greater out of state sales!

    WIN !WIN! WIN!

    And after that..  There may also be a growing need for proctologist grants.  And I'll bet we could get a great new acronym for those too.

    < So very tired of the hypocrisy... | Things Can Always Get Worse Because They Already Are >

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    Two thoughts . . . (none / 0) (#1)
    by Kevin Rex Heine on Wed Aug 12, 2009 at 06:17:08 AM EST
    First . . . wow; dude, brilliant piece of satire.  I'll bet that even my British friends would respond approvingly.  (Seriously, forward this to Daniel Hannan and get his feedback.)

    Second . . . are we now launching a new backronym contest?  I'm pretty sure the regulars here could come up with a few for rectal exams (with or without the grease).

    • Like, BHO? by maidintheus, 08/12/2009 07:24:29 AM EST (none / 0)
    This article might be a little astroturfy. (none / 0) (#2)
    by maidintheus on Wed Aug 12, 2009 at 06:53:28 AM EST
    Aren't you concerned that you wouldn't be allowed into one of Obama's town halls?

    If you continue to use words like Rebate Grant & Entitlement, there is a chance they may 'listen' though.

    I'd also like to point out that you use the word "business" too much. I can tell you, they don't like that. Perhaps we can inquire of some legal minds to find out if you could commission yourself (or be commissioned) to distribute...no, to "spread" security "around."  This way you could drop the word "business" and have a: Commission on Security Rebate Grant & Entitlement.

    The impact on pizzerias could be remedied by a Civil Rights for Pizza Makers.      

    MI competition and SPLURGE's (none / 0) (#5)
    by Tom McMillin on Wed Aug 12, 2009 at 08:03:50 AM EST
    Well done.  No doubt if MI had less regulations, less business tax rate, less unemployment tax rate, were a right to work state...then SLURGE would be uncutting his competition regularly...and growing, thereby employing more here in MI (and the state getting more tax revenues, even though the rate was lower).
    One other aspect.  You could have SPLURGE being beat competing with his MI competitor across the street...but now that MI is going to choose to give SPLURGE a special tax break, his competitor goes out of business!  That's also happening here in MI.

    Stay away from the term - Lower taxes. I like it (none / 0) (#6)
    by Political Agenda on Fri Aug 14, 2009 at 07:55:47 PM EST
    Great piece,

    This is actually a pretty good idea. And I like the fact that you didn't use the term, lower my taxes. This is the proverbial Kryptonite to our governor.

    Glad you are out there Jason. You and people like you will show us, and be the way out of this recession.

    Danian Michael  

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