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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Time to take a stand.

    By KG One, Section News
    Posted on Sun May 24, 2009 at 07:30:51 PM EST
    Tags: Macomb County Tax Hike Bone-headed (all tags)

    {For the record: I'm not trying to steal anyone's thunder here, but I felt that it's important to get the word out, toot sweet.}

    Several weeks ago, I posted about the backroom deals that were agreed to along with the shakedown of Macomb County taxpayers that took place at the Board of Commissioners meeting.

    Sealing the deal for an acceptance of concessions from county unions, the Macomb County Board of Commissioners voted to impose a 9% tax hike on residents already beaten down by the current economy.

    And this was only to cover this year's budget. Next year's budget shortfall is looking even worse.

    Well, now it's the Macomb County Resident's turn...

    Story continues after the fold...

    Are you fed up with non-representing representatives who value secret backroom deals with unions over their constituents?

    Are you fed up with the same non-representing representatives who feel that your family's budget is inconsequential to maintaining the health care and retirement benefits of county employees that are among the most generous benefits in Michigan (especially, those still receiving benefits)?

    Do you want to send a clear message that raising taxes, especially during a recession, will no longer be tolerated?

    If you answered yes, then I highly recommend that you checkout the Taxpayer Minutemen Project being headed up at the Michigan Taxpayers Alliance.

    Volunteers are being requested to assist with recall campaign against those who are clueless regarding their constituents current circumstances.

    All that's being asked is to collect 10 signatures once word that a recall is being initiated. Find ten legally registered voters in that district and get them to sign. Simple enough.

    If you've had enough and want to take a stand, further information is available on the Michigan Taxpayers Alliance, or just click here for more info.

    If Californian's of all people can send a clear message to their representation in Sacramento, there's no reason why a similar message cannot be sent here in Macomb!

    < The Weekend in the Sphere | This isn't any other Monday >

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    That's awesome (none / 0) (#1)
    by thejmfc on Sun May 24, 2009 at 10:23:30 PM EST
    It almost makes me wish I was a Macomb resident.  Almost.

    What is the signature requirement for recalling these guys?  I read that the Governor and state legislature require 25% of the votes cast for Governor in the previous election in their respective districts, but not sure if that same percentage trickles down to the local level.

    Yeah, things just aren't as exciting (read, "liberal") over here in Ottawa county...

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