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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Is a Mr. Perks sighting coming???

    By KG One, Section News
    Posted on Wed Apr 29, 2009 at 10:01:32 AM EST
    Tags: Mr. Perks, Macomb County, democrats, taxes, brain-dead (all tags)

    (Promoted by Nick...)

    Well, here's where we see if the prognosticators made the right call regarding the Macomb County Board of Commissioners.

    Tune in after the break...

    Tomorrow evening, the Macomb County Board of Commissioners will be taking a vote on whether or not to raise taxes (during a recession, no less) on Macomb County Residents.

    For those without a scorecard, here's the rundown:

    For the past several years now, the Macomb County Board of Commissioners (read: democrats) have been blowing their budgets for the past several years now.

    After using every trick in the books (sans, actually making some real cuts in their budget and eliminating non-mandated services), the majority of the democrats on the Board of Commissioners are invoking a little known vote that allows then to rachet up the tax rate to 4.56 mills (yes, there were several democrats who didn't want impose on their constitutients during a recession).

    Whether or not a search party will need to be assembled for Commissioner Sprys remains to be seen.

    Tomorrow night's meeting should be intersting.

    Fearing that they will need to live in the same economy like the residents that they serve, AFSCME is certain to show up with all of the members, not only on the public hearing on the matter (which conveniently, is scheduled when most people are at work), but at the general membership meeting as well.

    Assumming that the tax hike passes tonight (my money is on Comm. Gieleghem keeping his promise to county unions and ramming a tax hike through regardless of the level of resident opposition), there is no word yet on how the Macomb County democrats intends to address next year's budget hole.

    Stay tuned...

    < Wednesday in the Sphere: April 29 | Coffee, pigs and protests! >

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