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Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?Tweets about "#RightMi, -YoungLibertyMI, -dennislennox,"
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Planned Parenthood Coming To Oakland CountyBy Theblogprof, Section News
(Promoted by Nick...)
Cross-posted at theblogprof
That's right - Murder, Inc. wants into Oakland County. As is their typical modus operindi, they're not eyeballing Rochester, or Bloomfield Hills, or any other well-off suburb. The ghouls are targeting Pontiac, the poorest most despondent population in the County. Yep - poor minorities targeted for termination. Isn't this exactly how Margaret Sanger set up Planned Parenthood? From the Oakland Press today: Planned Parenthood of Mid and South Michigan announced Monday that it is looking to expand into Oakland County.Lots of 1984 Newspeak there. They made the filleting of a baby sound so -- benign. "Health Centers." Tell that to the multitudes of dead babies. And what's with "the State is willing to partner with us" all about? Just remember what this organization was founded to do: abort minority babies at as high of a rate as physically possible. Thus the locations here in southeastern Michigan: Detroit, Warren, Jackson, Lansing, East Lansing, Livonia, Ypsilanti, etc. What do all these have in common? They are close to large minority populations.
That aside, this is an organization that breaks the law with impunity, as I have pointed out many times before, such as the links at the bottom of this post. These are people that call good evil and evil good. They find 'unconscionable' the laws prohibits discrimination against health professionals who refuse to participate in procedures that conflict with personal beliefs, such as abortions. Par for the course.
It's a good thing that Obama was conceived before murder-on-demand was as prevelant and had so much backing by an activist judiciary and a legion of disciples of Molech:
Planned Parenthood Coming To Oakland County | 4 comments (4 topical, 0 hidden)
Planned Parenthood Coming To Oakland County | 4 comments (4 topical, 0 hidden)
Related Links+ theblogpro f+ Margaret Sanger + From the Oakland Press today + abort minority babies + They find 'unconscionable' the laws prohibits discrimination + Molech + Planned Parenhood Caught Breaking The Law - Again + Pro-Aborts Freak Out Over "Choice" Plate + Hillary Clinton: Pro-Life = Anti-Democratic + Another Ameteurish Gaffe by Hillary Clinton + Planned Parenthood Busted Again for Covering Up Statutory Rape + Medical "Conscience Rule" Under Assault + Ghouls out for Ferderal Cash + MSNBC Kook Matthews: Will Sebelius Survive 'Terrorism of the Anti-Abortion People?' + The Detroit Science Center, The Holocaust, and Abortion + Michigan Abortionist Gets Probation + Abortion and Murder, One Good, One Evil??? + Also by Theblogprof |