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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    MSM report big news: Conservatives DON'T riot

    By leondrolet, Section News
    Posted on Fri Apr 17, 2009 at 07:57:19 AM EST
    Tags: tea party, Lansing, Granholm, media (all tags)

    Rarely in recent memory has there been anything like Wednesday's tea parties - spontaneous, awesome, grassroots events involving millions of everyday taxpaying citizens. So I went to bed that night looking forward to reading yesterday's newspapers.

    I couldn't find the print coverage in yesterday's Detroit Free Press. I finally found the article buried on the last page of the business section, just after a weekly feature on business trivia. They also forgot to mention the Michigan Taxpayers Alliance - not that there's anything wrong with that...

    OK, so I looked at yesterday's print Detroit News. The very short article is on page 5A (there is a nice, big photo). But right below the tea party article is a MUCH longer column titled, "Anger Boils Among Militia Members" about a barbecue attended by about 100 Michigan Militia members. They stacked the two articles on top of each other. The 100 Militia guys got WAY more ink than the estimated 20,000 taxpayer tea party participants.

    Then I grabbed yesterday's Macomb Daily to read their front-page story about the Saint Clair Shores tea party. The otherwise-fine article concludes with this sentence, "(The) rally had a heavily conservative tone, but protesters never became unruly."

    What! How is it possible that 300 "conservatives" could hold a rally and not become violent? Can you imagine an article concluding with, "The protest of the G-8 summit in France had a liberal bent, but, somehow, never became violent."? Well, no news source can ever say that because the euro-socialists ALWAYS become violent at protests and burn the poor host city down.

    Unlike some, I actually DO care about the demise of the print media. I wish they would work harder at being trustworthy and relevant.

    Two last stories to share: Some guy with a hand-held video camera approached the MI Taxpayers Alliance table at Lansing tea party and started asking me why I was at the protest. I told him, but he started asking me lots of questions about social issues. He was very polite, but wouldn't quit trying to goad me into talking on camera  about gays, minorities, abortion, etc. The poor infiltrator finally left, all frustrated that all I would talk about was Granholm's record on taxes, spending and jobs.

    Lastly, go check out our little buddies' blog at MichiganLiberal.com. This past Tuesday, they advocated a leftist "takeover" of the taxpayer tea parties. They suggested:

    "I think we should capitalize on all the media they are going to get by showing up at these events and showing them what REAL populist anger looks like. We can hijack their event to send our message.
    All you have to do is go to their corporate funded website, find a protest in your area and show up tomorrow with signs that reflect the reality of the populist anger in America and especially Michigan right now. Remember to bring a videocamera if you have one!
     Some suggestions for signs you should bring:
     "I support President Obama!"
    "Universal health care NOW"

    How did their "real populist anger" look? They won't say. MILiberal was strangely silent yesterday about their "hijack" effort. Their silence was deafening. Its quite funny.

    Leon Drolet
    MI Taxpayers Alliance

    < Friday in the Sphere: April 17 | RightMichigan Exclusive: An Interview with Representative Jase Bolger (R-Marshall) >

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    Leon... (none / 0) (#1)
    by rdww on Fri Apr 17, 2009 at 08:40:20 AM EST
    I'd send a tickler to Newsbusters about both the Ivory Tower and Macomb distortions (though they'd probably just be surprised that the Freep is still in business).

    Leon (none / 0) (#2)
    by live dangerously on Fri Apr 17, 2009 at 10:44:51 PM EST
    The msm is just getting more and more insulting to the everyday person's intelligence.  People by the droves are getting their news on line from the likees of Drudge and local bloggers not to mention of course Nick.

    I agree it is a wonder that The FREEP is still in business.

    If we conservatives were smart we would find the biggest abuser of the public trust and boycott them.

    Regards, Live Dangerously Be A Conservative

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