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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Prominent Liberal calls for Granholm resignation

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Tue Apr 14, 2009 at 07:29:38 AM EST
    Tags: Granholm, Cherry, 2010, Lessenberry, sphere, resign (all tags)

    "...Here is a serious suggestion, for the good of this state... Gov. Jennifer Granholm should resign."

    That is the startling suggestion from Jack Lessenberry at the Metro Times, the patron saint of Michigan's extreme-left-wing opinion columnists.

    Not that the man had a partisan epiphany or anything.  Last week's piece was riddled with the sort of anti-conservative name calling, venom and vitriol that's inspired an entire generation of prominent liberal bloggers in Michigan, but that almost feels like criticizing a toddler who has just taken his first steps for being wobbly and only making it halfway across the room.  

    The crux of Lessenberry's complaint is that the Governor, as nice and swell as she is, just can't seem to get anything productive done, more often killing her own initiatives than making a tough decision and leaving Michigan far worse in the process.

    Granholm muffed the whole budget mess two years ago; she provided no, or contradictory, leadership, and exasperated her own party. We ended up with a business tax calculated to drive commerce away...

    Not that its all sunshine and rainbows.  The man openly and readily admits he has a prevailing ulterior motive... a Granholm resignation would make John Cherry Governor and, by his estimation, that much more difficult to beat next November.  

    Because more of the same is, apparently, exactly what we need.

    Still, when it comes to opinion writers on the Left and putting Michigan moms and dads above that big "D" that appears on the ballot, I am more than willing to take what I can get.  

    Last week I sat down with Akindele Akinyemi and a pair of liberal bloggers for another taping of Off the Record with Tim Skubick.  (Set your TIVOs... it airs this Friday on your local PBS station.)  Liberal Lucy and Ed Brayton were far less eager to dismiss Governor Granholm, still defending her every failure, backing her every play and maddeningly insistent on carrying her water up whatever impossible hill she demands.

    But I'm practicing patience.  I guess even bloggers need to crawl before they learn how to walk.

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