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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    It's Baaaack! - the MEA Pension Boondoggle

    By Theblogprof, Section News
    Posted on Fri Mar 13, 2009 at 02:29:44 PM EST
    Tags: education, MEA, Michigan, pensions, politics (all tags)

    cross-posted at theblogprof

    I thought this boondoggle was on it's way out. Turns out, the MEA got the funny idea that most people with enough brain cells not to drop a load in their pants at any time discerned that this boondoggle was a really, really bad idea. The idea was to get teachers to retire but with an uptick in the pension benefit, and therein lies the problem. As I wrote in a prior post,

    By the way, the Senate Fiscal Agency analysis found that "the salary savings didn't come close to offsetting the increased retirement costs." Like to the tune of a net annual loss of almost $127 million!!! Only in the MEA's world is this a winner for citizens.
    An op-ed in the Oakland Press was a little more honest:

    So who are the winners in this game? The real winner is the MEA.
    That's about right. Today, the AP has this piece in the Detroit News: Michigan teachers union revises pension plan. From the article:
    Michigan's largest teachers union is revising its retirement incentive proposal because concerns were raised about the price tag. ...
    The MEA initially proposed boosting pensions by one-third. Legislation is being altered to raise pensions by about 17 percent.
    Maybe it's just me, but the numbers appear to not reflect the cost of retiree healthcare in the formula. They're trying to turn this into a zero-sum game, but in effect what the result will be is a debt snowball (just the opposite of what Dave Ramsey recommends by the same name). It will simply get bigger over time. Nowhere in this article do you find that the pension fund is almost $30 billion underfunded right now. Adding to this is just plain silly, but not surprising. What is surprising, at least to me, is that this boondoggle is being pushed by Senate Education Chairman Wayne Kuipers, R-Holland. How did the MEA buy him off?

    It appears that something will go down this coming week with the legislation. Right now, it's like a retrovirus, changing into something that will pass muster, at least on its surface, but that will infect the system for years to come. Hopefully, what's coming this week is it's death, kicking and screaming and all that...

    MEA Boondoggle back in the News
    Kuipers/MEA pension boondoggle moving forward
    More on that MEA pension boondoggle
    MLive: Union, Granholm pitch different plans to buyout teachers
    MEA to MI: save money by making pension problem worse!

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    Retirement (none / 0) (#1)
    by Rougman on Fri Mar 13, 2009 at 09:18:55 PM EST
    This is no lie. Literally every person I know that is now living and working in the private sector is planning on waiting longer to retire or never retiring at all.  They simply do not have the money to do so.

    The idea that large swaths of government workers might retire early (for added benefits) is simply repugnant to me.  

    Do MEA science teachers know what a parasite is?

    This is disturbing. (none / 0) (#2)
    by thejmfc on Sat Mar 14, 2009 at 09:08:10 PM EST
    Kuipers is my Senator, so I'm especially concerned that he's in favor of this.  It seems to be a rather cut-and-dried case of self-service by the MEA.  What on earth could prompt a Republican to be in favor of a scam like this?  I shudder to think.

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