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What you WON'T hear in tonight's big speechBy Nick, Section News
With Governor Granholm's State of the State speech due this evening (and covered via liveblog right here on RightMichigan so make sure you've got your laptop open while you're watching) her adoring fans in the mainstream media are digging ferociously to figure out exactly what she's going to say.
They got a nugget or two yesterday when the woman announced that the big cost cutting move, amidst a billion dollar budget deficit, was a proposal to close the State Fair at a total savings of as little as $50,000 a year and they're STILL running that thing around the wires. Oh, she's a cost cutter, look out! They'll continue to dig today, they'll wonder what she's going to say, how her tone will be, how well the speech will be delivered and what she is wearing. Then, no matter what the answer to those questions, they'll write glowing reviews about how seriously she takes the challenge and how she's fighting for Michigan and how lucky we are to have her. They won't question any of her numbers. They won't question any of her logic. They'll just sit back and bask in her glory and whisper a silent prayer of thanksgiving for even being able to experience a moment in her presence. Me? I'm not star struck. Yeah, I'm interested in what she's going to say. I'm afraid it's going to be a speech only sprinkled with substance that ultimately leaves us worse off than when we started. But it might just be more interesting to figure out what she won't say. These are two graphs, for instance, that I'm pretty sure won't wind up in the Governor's fancy to-do this evening:
This is a far cry from the double-digit increases that many homeowners enjoyed just a decade ago. Those lines, by the way, courtesy of today's Detroit News. Read on...
Why address the way home values have plummeted under the leadership she and Lieutenant Governor John Cherry have so aptly provided these last six-plus years? Soooomething tells me that won't fit her theme this evening.
Doubting that she'll call out her BFFs in the UAW, either. Oh, sure, she could call them out on any number of things, their treatment of the Big 3 and the jobs bank program not least on the list, but today's Ivory Tower gives Macomb County residents one more reason to be wary of Big Labor.
The United Auto Workers, which represents 500 county employees, voted down a 3-year contract on Friday that called for wage freezes, six days off without pay, more out-of-pocket health care costs and stiffer requirements to gain full pension benefits. That's right... according to the prevailing lefty logic of the last several election cycles, the UAW, by obstructing budgetary progress and refusing to tighten their belt, is causing senior citizens and low income families... which include CHILDREN... to have their social safety net cut out from underneath them. Service will suffer, moms and kids will go hungry and grandma won't be able to get any assistance keeping the heat on these next two months. After all, that's what we always hear from Democrats when any Republican talks about making budget cuts. But as unlikely as it is that the Governor will call out her Democratic friends on the Macomb County Board of Commissioners and Big Labor, its even less likely that she'll talk about the other big story today, the release from prison of one of the biggest Democrats (literally) in Michigan political history. The Associated Press was there this morning when former Democratic Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick finally regained his freedom. If the Governor won't show the man any love, at least we know there are others who will.
Flanked by a number of men, several dressed in fedoras and long coats, Kilpatrick then was rushed to a waiting blue Chevrolet Suburban. The Democrat waved from behind tinted windows as he was whisked away as part of a multi-vehicle caravan. Still traveling in style. And yeah, Kwame's bad behavior and the scandal and shame he and the rest of the Detroit Democrats have brought on the Motor City and Michigan has done damage it'll take years to overcome... yeah it's a huge problem for the state and one we have to address... just don't expect to hear anything about that tonight.
What you WON'T hear in tonight's big speech | 6 comments (6 topical, 0 hidden)
What you WON'T hear in tonight's big speech | 6 comments (6 topical, 0 hidden)
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