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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.


    By Wendy Day, Section News
    Posted on Thu Feb 26, 2009 at 07:33:44 PM EST
    Tags: Tea Party, Taxes, Government (all tags)

    The drumbeat of revolution is beginning to sound throughout our country.  It started with a rant,  but will be sustained through the growing momentum of Americans hell bent on taking back this country and honoring the Constitution on which it was founded.

    Tomorrow offers a real opportunity for We the People to let Them the Politicians know that we are not going to sit by while they mortgage our countries future.  

    Conservatives cannot afford to be reactive and defensive any longer.  There is too much at stake to just stay home, watch television, and complain about our leadership.  This government belongs to us and it is our responsibility to fix it.

    Our constitution promises life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness to not only us, but our posterity or future generations.  If we continue to borrow and spend we will be handing them a country in chains; where life is hard, liberty is limited and happiness is elusive.

    Join us tomorrow at high noon for a Tea Party Rally.  We will descend on the Capitol Building in Lansing and let our voices be heard. We will talk about American, freedom, responsibility, and the future.  This won't be about a political party or a political official, it is about us.  It is about We the People.

    After the Boston Tea Party, England implemented the Coercive Acts- these acts closed the Boston Harbor and infringed upon property, self government and due process rights of Massachusetts colonists.  As the drumbeat for a revolution of ideas grows stronger, will today's patriots face similar challenges?  Probably.

    We saw what happened when a plumber named Joe asked a simple question.  We should watch closely how Rick Santelli is treated as he goes forward.  If he is treated badly, we must stand up and defend him.

    If we are to make a stand for America, now is the time. Will we let our country go quietly into that great night? Will we be satisfied to sit by and let our freedom slip away?  If not, we need to come together as Americans and fight. Our war is a war of ideas, facts and vision. We can win. We must win.  Will you join us?

    Edward Burke said, "Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little."

    < E-Day 2010: The Granholm-Cherry Record | Your Tea Party Invite >

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    We the People have spoken (none / 0) (#1)
    by Brady on Fri Feb 27, 2009 at 05:52:53 AM EST
    The Boston Tea Party was a result of taxes imposed on American colonists who were unrepresented in the British Parliament.  Colonists argued that, according to the British Constitution, British subjects could be taxed only by their own representatives; because the colonies were not represented in Parliament, they could not be taxed by that body.  It was a major catalyst in what became the American Revolution.

    Unlike in 1773, We the People are now represented at the local, state and federal level.  We had elections just four months ago.  Barack Obama won that election with 9.5 million more votes over his Republican rival capturing the electoral vote by 365 to 173.  The gap was even wider in Michigan.  Democrats made large gains at all levels from Congress, the State House and in local governments throughout our state.  And lest you say that Americans didn't know what they were in for, keep in mind that Obama's approval rating today is even higher than the percentage by which he won the election last November.

    This is hardly the makings of a revolution.  So why this talk of revolution?  It's simply political theater by a party that remains deeply unpopular with a majority of We the People and which has no new answers to the problems facing America.  Since its loses last November, the party of the infamous bridge to nowhere has made the mea culpa argument that Republican politicians had compromised their conservative principals but if given another chance, they'd get it right the next time.  No new direction.  No new answers.

    Hard choices in life results in No We Cant! (none / 0) (#2)
    by michiganmav on Fri Feb 27, 2009 at 06:32:47 AM EST
    A political party cannot be all things to all people. ~ Ronald Reagan

    With this budget I'm determined to bring the change meant to be, a place where all things are possible for all people ~ Barack Obama

    Italy's President and head of state Giorgio Napolitano, a member of the Italian Communist Party has refused to sign an emergency measure, passed by the government, that would save the life of Eluana Englaro, the young woman whose food and hydration is being removed starting today.
    ROME, February 6, 2009

    Another very hard hitting story of truth
    "We Can't Build a Just Society With the Blood of Unborn Children"
    Warns that party loyalty can be "a lethal kind of moral laziness", " a dead end"


    Brady, learn your history (none / 0) (#4)
    by goppartyreptile on Fri Feb 27, 2009 at 11:20:55 AM EST
    The Boston Tea Party occurred because Britain imposed government mandates that gave The East India Tea Company, a crown backed company, exclusive right to sell and distribute tea in America... which put a lot of folks out of business.

    Government quashing private enterprise, favoring it's pet company, and attempting to quash freedom in the colony, resulted in colonists
    fighting back.

    Kind of like what's going to happen now that the Democrats are turning the government into a gigantic "progressive wish granting machine."

    Crowd (none / 0) (#5)
    by Brady on Fri Feb 27, 2009 at 12:19:58 PM EST
    This revolution likely will not be televised.  I just stopped by the Capitol and there were only about 60 people protesting the results of our recent democratic elections; less even than the infamous pro ferret rally about 10 years ago.  Apparently conservatives just don't make good revolutionaries.

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