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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    DetNews: 12 projects expected to create 2,900 jobs

    By Theblogprof, Section News
    Posted on Thu Feb 19, 2009 at 09:27:41 AM EST
    Tags: GM, Michigan, taxes (all tags)

    cross-posted at theblogprof

    The headliner of the 12 projects? GM's project to build batteries for the Chevy Volt (which looks like a winner should the technical problems be overcome). So what exactly do the winners of the development awards get? Tax breaks! As the DetNews reports:

    The Michigan Economic Growth Authority approved a tax credit valued at $6.8 million for the project.
    The DetNews went on to list the other projects also given big tax breaks. Each project promised hundreds of jobs and each got tax beaks into the millions.
    So here's my beef:

    if tax breaks work for these 12 projects and will create that many jobs, why can't the Michigan government gets it's act together and give tax breaks to everyone. I mean - the job creation alone would "pay" for the tax breaks, no? ... Hello??? Bueller???

    That's beef#1. Here's my beef #2: at the same time that tax breaks in the millions are given to GM to build batteries for the Volt, the Granholm administration put the kabosh on new power plants that are going to be needed to charge these very same batteries! It would be funny if it wasn't so sad at the same time. It seems no matter what private industry tries to do, the government is there to trip it up somehow. No matter the innovation, the administration is giving the same look (no nukes, no coal, no power). The same look! I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!!!

    < Thursday in the Sphere: February 19 | Day 21: MI House continues to obstruct critical local stimulus plan >

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