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      Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

      Raise the curtain.

      Students Demand Cox Put Scholarship Ahead of Contributions

      By BILazarus, Section Multimedia
      Posted on Wed Dec 16, 2009 at 10:51:08 AM EST
      Tags: Mike Cox Jennifer Granholm Gary Granger Joel Ferguson Michigan Promise Scholarhsip State Police scam corruption (all tags)

      The phones at Mike Cox's office are ringing off the hook today. Students all across the state are calling the Michigan Attorney General and demanding he get out of bed with Governor Granholm's special interests, and put students ahead of Lansing's biggest political contributors. By stopping an illegal State Police headquarters scam, Attorney General Cox has the opportunity to quit abetting favors to big donors, save taxpayer money and give Michigan's students the scholarship they earned and deserve.

      Developers Joel Ferguson and Gary Granger have donated over $430,000 to various politicians over the years and stand to gain an estimated $52 million return on investment at the expense of Michigan's students. Granger has donated nearly $7,000 directly to Mike Cox and Ferguson has given over $11,700 to Jennifer Granholm.

      NoBrokenPromise.com urges citizens to take a moment to contact Mike Cox. Tell him to stop this illegal pork project and take a stand for the students of Michigan.

      How to Cheat Students and Influence Lawmakers

      When student Ben Lazarus asked Governor Granholm to divert money from an unnecessary State Police headquarters building to fund the merit-based scholarship promised to Michigan's hardest working students, he had no idea he would uncover a decade long scam deliberately intended to rip-off Michigan taxpayers.

      According to research conducted by NoBrokenPromise.com, Michigan's biggest political contributors have engaged in a documented pattern of bribery and corruption with receipts of contributions totaling over $430,000. The two businessmen stand to gain an estimated $52 million tax-funded dollars.

      Ben Lazarus, founder of NoBrokenPromise.com said, "It's extremely sad to think that the very politicians who promised to stand up for Michigan's students betrayed the future of our next generation for just a few thousand dollars in campaign contributions."

      The Michigan Promise Scholarship is a $4000 earned grant, paid over the course of one's college career, that was set to be given to over 96,000 Michigan public school students who passed the Michigan Merit Exam their junior year of high school. After vowing to veto a bill without funding for the award, Governor Granholm signed a budget that took money away from students and gave it to political contributors Joel Ferguson and Gary Granger. Major recipients of Granger and Ferguson's donations include:

      House Republican Campaign Committee - $110,000

      Senate Republican Campaign Committee - $50,000

      Michigan Republican Party - $50,000

      Michigan House Democratic Fund - $16,000

      Governor Jennifer Granholm - $11,800

      Democratic State Central Committee - $11,000

      Attorney General Mike Cox - $6,900

      Speaker Andy Dillon - $5,000

      Lt. Governor John Cherry - $3,500

      Representative Alma Wheeler Smith - $2,500

      Contributions were also made to Amy Peterman, Amy Richey, Bill Hardiman, Bill Lattimore, Dave Hildenbrand, David Farhat, Debbie Cherry, Dianne Byrum, Eric Doster, Gail Haines, Hugh Clark, Hugh D Crawford, Irma Clark-Coleman, Jacob W Hoogendyk Jr, Jase Bolger, Jerry Kooiman, Joe Haveman, John Proos, John Walsh, Judge James R Giddings, Judge Paula Manderfield, Judge Robert Weiss, Judge Tom Boyd, Judge William C Whitbeck, Justin Amash, Ken Sikkema, Kevin Green, Kim Meltzer, Mark C Jansen, Marsha Cheeks, Martha G Scott, Michael Murphy, Mickey Mortimer, Mike Nofs, Olly Hughes, Patty Birkholz, Paul Deweese, Paul H Scott, Peter Pettalia, Rich Brown, Roy Schmidt, Scott Hummel, Scott Shackleton, Stephen Markman, Todd Boorsma, Todd Lajoy, and Wayne Schmidt.

      Sources: Contributions Report, FEC, TaxPayers United Michigan Foundation (http://nobrokenpromise.com/post/283662595/students-demand-cox-put-scholarship-ahead-of)

      < Mike Cox and Jennifer Granholm in Christmastime Corruption | Things work out.. Sometimes >

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      taxpayers (none / 0) (#2)
      by Rougman on Thu Dec 17, 2009 at 11:54:53 AM EST
      I wish more thought would be placed on the taxpayers.

      Not only can we not pay for the Promise Scholarship, we cannot pay for enough road repair, keep our prisoners behind bars, keep police on the streets, or keep teachers in the public school classrooms.

      Next year my second child will enter college and I feel your pain.  I'm going to be helping pay back college loans until I'm 80.  

      Maybe with the loss of Promise Scholarships the universities will finally decide that they are going to have to keep their costs under control--something they have abjectly refused to do for too many years.

      Merry Christmas! And awesome, awesome, (none / 0) (#3)
      by maidintheus on Fri Dec 18, 2009 at 09:20:44 AM EST
      awesome comments!

      Whenever we hear gov't say they're providing something we must remember that it's a lie: If all productive people (those who create capital/exchange time, knowledge, experience with an employer/pay taxes) disappeared or voted against something, the gov't would have nothing. All they have is empty rhetoric and a desire to take from people as an excuse to give what's taken to others.

      It would be more appropriate for gov't to offer a reprieve from tax burdens to those in need...otherwise it just underlines their schemes: Gov't wants your resources and they don't care about any of the people or the pet projects they profess so much concern for. These types in gov't are heartless, greedy slave holders.

      P.S. Sorry for not keeping up on this site of late. Tis a busy season.  Tis the season for shopping and snow plowing.  Happy Birthday Jesus, anyway!    

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