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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Waiting On Labor Day

    By Rougman, Section News
    Posted on Thu Dec 10, 2009 at 11:16:45 AM EST
    Tags: Education, Detroit Public Schools (all tags)

    cross posted at an impatient Rougblog

    A lot of finger wagging and heady pontification takes place down in Lansing whenever the focus turns to Michigan's public schools. Heated debate is more than understandable too, as there has been little positive news concerning any part of that whole disaster in quite a long time.

    As parents have incrementally abdicated their responsibilities to the all-caring bureaucrats of Lansing and Washington (and lets be honest here, our kind overlords have done more than a fair share of wresting responsibilities from parents resistant to this abdication,) test scores have worsened, districts have found it increasingly difficult to keep the buses running, and unions have dug in their heels against reforms integral to correcting problems that affect not only the test scoring, but the finances as well.

    These problems are all well documented, and recent events aren't likely to change the headlines.

    The largest school district in the state was rocked this week with the results of a national standardized test that placed it dead last among all schools in the nation that took the test. Honestly, that stark assessment does not go nearly far enough. The results recognized the Detroit Public Schools (DPS) system as not only the worst performing system on this particular test, but as the worst performing school in the history of the test. These shameful test results, owned by the city of Detroit and the state of Michigan, are a monument to failure on an historical scale.

    Maybe we can get one of those roadside markers put up.

    Ironically, this pox could not come at a better time for Michigan and Detroit, for this is the year that, though it is more destitute than it has ever been in its entire existence, the country is going to divvy up billions of borrowed dollars among those states willing to adopt what educators deem are necessary reforms to improve education.

    The DPS, fingers crossed, might very well receive a huge infusion of that federal cash as an ill-deserved reward for its long, well documented, and unprecedented history of abject failure. A shelter wouldn't dare turn away the most destitute of callers in the bleak of night, and with Detroit's tattered appearance these days, it would be shocking if bureaucrats in Washington and Lansing aren't able to direct a hundred mill or so toward Motown for even the appearance of reforms.

    Really, nothing gets the attention of Lansing bureaucrats any quicker than the feds flashing a little free cash.

    While I find the whole process repugnant for many reasons, I have been particularly lathered over the response of legislators who are, once again, proving that it is money and special interests that they think are most important, and not the children who should be the focus of education.

    From M-Live:

    The Michigan House is softening a plan that would have allowed schools to start classes before Labor Day.

    The state's lowest-performing schools still would have the option of starting classes before Labor Day under revised legislation that soon could come up for a vote on the House floor. But most schools would remain under a 2005 state law that prevents classes from beginning until early September.

    House leaders made the switch in their legislation after the state's tourism industry lobbied to keep the post-Labor Day schedule. The later start gives families a chance to extend summer vacations and boost the tourism industry.

    The House Education Committee will continue work Wednesday on legislation aimed at winning more federal cash for schools.

    One needn't read between the lines very far before one discovers that legislators, to make such a proposal, recognize that it is better for the education of struggling children to start their school years prior to Labor Day (along with all the implications that go with that,) rather than have it begin later in the year and consequently have it drag on into the summer months.

    What other possible explanation is there for the poorest performing schools to be allowed to begin earlier in the year (satisfying reformer's wishes,) while forcing more successful districts to begin later in the year, the latter ostensibly to help tourism?

    Am I to gather by this that children from more successful school districts can afford to have their education weakened so that campsites stay full an extra long weekend in the summer?

    Legislators are trying to butter both sides of their bread with this one. More money from Washington, and more money from tourists. They are willing to reform the bare minimum to keep those Detroit kids in school, but those urchins from Bloomfield Hills might actually rent some Jet Skis!

    This is what our enlightened government has done. It has helped to create a disastrous business climate so negative that to help remedy the situation business interests are allowed to negatively impact education. Meanwhile, the educational environment is so choked by ineffective and intrusive governmental policies that to remedy that situation they are allowed to choke business interests though unprecedented debt and taxation.

    Education is not forced (some would say allowed) to clean out its own dirty cage without resources being taken from innocent third parties, while businesses are not able (some would say allowed) to thrive on their own without the shackles of grubbing money-leches being attached to their enterprises.

    It is a mutated form of modern special interest symbiosis where each party becomes both the weakened host and undernourished parasite of the other. Meanwhile, benevolent bureaucrats can expect to be rewarded at the ballot box for their heart-felt concern.

    Me, I'm sickened by the whole process. Until what is best for students actually becomes the focus of the whole education apparatus, it is destined for failure, and until business is allowed to thrive for the profitable purposes for which it is intended, it is destined for continued struggles. Government's nurturing of this impossible intertangling between the two will beget nothing more than increased entanglement.

    Thankfully we have experts working on the problem, the resolution of which can wait, it seems, until at least after Labor Day.

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    The real reason for failure. (none / 0) (#1)
    by LookingforReagan on Thu Dec 10, 2009 at 02:58:51 PM EST
    Teachers don't teach anymore they indoctrinate. Education is now agenda driven rather then goal oriented. We don't allow the teaching of courses that teach and prepare our kids to be productive, responsible citizens. This is of course by design. Once the left and LBJ established the Dept. of Education and took control of the schools things started going down hill. If I knew then what I know now my children would have never set foot in a government school or for that matter any college but Hillsdale College.
    Solutions are there. But the elites in the permanent political class will not turn lose of the control they have over millions of future Socialists. States including Michigan have to repudiate the federal control of our schools. An amendment needs to be passed and attached to the Michigan Constitution that prohibits the establishment of public sector unions. Lift all caps on charter schools and aprove a voucher system to allow the parents of children in failing schools to leave and find better ones. Promote and embrace home schooling. These kids are more mature, better educated and do better on tests and SATs then the majority of students educated in public schools. The time has come to tell for feds to take a hike. We don't need their money because it comes with to many strings attached and we pay to high a price in the end for bending to the will of the Nanny State Socialist that seek to destroy this nation and corrupt our youth. Another excellent way to cleanse the system is to end the practice of tenure. If a teacher is lousy, get rid of them. Let them operate under the same rules as the private sector. Perform or hit the road. We can make a difference by holding the elected class to a higher standard and tell them the days of mediocre being the standard are over. It is not good enough. We need to demand that the bar be raised and that the schools teach to the highest level of achievment rather then the lowest common denominator. We need to do better for our kids. We owe them a better deal and equip them to succeed with as many tools as we can. What with the Socialists in control in Washington they are going to need all the help we can get them.

    Another Problem (none / 0) (#2)
    by grannynanny on Thu Dec 10, 2009 at 07:04:41 PM EST
    While I agree 100% with the above post another problem with schools is parents.  I worked with my children from day one, reading, singing, adventures to educational programs at the local museum, Sunday school, youth groups, etc. and the number one parenting rule - discipline.  If my kids came home from school whining about something they were told to suck it up, pay attention and do your school work. They didn't dare get in trouble at school because the trouble they would get in at home was worse.  They knew better. And, both my husband and I worked full time.  But we took the time to give our kids a good start and stuck with it even when they resisted.  It paid off big time because they are all college educated and have good jobs.  To this day they tell us how much they appreciate our dedication to their learning process.  Especially the reading!

    Parents today don't give a rat's ass what their kids do at school let alone try to teach them abc and 123 before they even get to the building.  And the parenting skills are deplorable.  So when you have unruly and undisciplined children going into the system it makes it easy for them to be indoctrinated by the socialist in the class room.

    This not only applies to the Detroit school system it applies to every school system in this nation.  When parents start parenting and stop pandering to their kids we might get some sort of reform in the system.

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