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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Conyers Wants some Head Knocking

    By Rougman, Section News
    Posted on Mon Nov 09, 2009 at 12:05:00 PM EST
    Tags: John Conyers, health care (all tags)

    In 1965, when John Conyers first took office in the House of Representatives, Lyndon B. Johnson was President of the United States. Conyers still has a soft spot in his heart for those early years when his future wife Monica was in diapers and members of his own political party were trashing the Civil Rights Act.

    Conyers remains sentimental over that political period and wishes that Barack Obama would be more like LBJ when it comes to pushing through legislation that will be disastrous to America, just like most of LBJ's Great Society initiatives were.

    "the president could take a few pages from Lyndon Johnson's book ... and start knocking heads together."
    Perhaps so. And then the rest of America could spend another fifty years trying to undo all the damage. John Conyers is so blind that he cannot look at the city of Detroit today and see the damage that the good intentions of government programs can do.

    Then again, what can you say about a politician whose wisest political move ever may have been in the asking for his future wife's hand? I presume that is what keeps those visions of "knocking heads together" so fresh.

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    Conyers sounds like he's been knocked in the head. (none / 0) (#2)
    by maidintheus on Mon Nov 09, 2009 at 02:15:41 PM EST
    Then we have our S of S, Hillary, sounding like she's been knocked in the head too hard a few times as well. In her speech to people in Berlin for the Wall Anniversary she sounds like she's dumb or has had a stroke. Very strange and kind of creepy.

    It's also possible she's trying to emulate Conyers.  

    Or maybe she had a dental appt which entailed general anesthesia.

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