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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Mother-in-law's death prevents Stupak from voting on health care bill

    By jenkuz, Section News
    Posted on Tue Nov 03, 2009 at 05:38:27 AM EST
    Tags: Stupak, health care, abortion (all tags)

    After signaling for months that he has enough votes in Congress to kill the Health Care Bill, Bart Stupak may not even be in DC to vote.

    Elaine Olsen, Stupak's mother-in-law unexpectedly passed away in Escanaba on Sunday.  May she rest in peace.

    For months and months, Stupak has been telling constituents and making headline news that he leads a group of about 40 Democrat legislators who vow to vote down the health care bill currently on the schedule in the House.  The vote will presumably take place on Friday.

    Stupak's main problem with the bill is that it contains wording that will allow for the federal funding of abortion.  Recently, he stated that "even if it costs him his seat," he will not vote for abortion funding.  Catholic News Agency writes:

        "Democratic leaders, including President Obama, have claimed that no federal funds would be used to pay for abortions, but this is a deception, because the public plan will be a federal agency program that can spend only federal funds. The federal government would pay abortion providers for performing elective abortions - a sharp break from decades of federal policy."

    An absolute must-read from theblogprof shows the stark contrasts of Catholic opinion in congress over the bill.

    Without a leader there to voice opposition to federally funded abortion in the health care bill, will the other Catholic House members of the Democrat majority do anything about the provision?

    Posted at Jennerationx

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