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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Michigan Business Done Right - The Promise

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Wed Oct 28, 2009 at 10:53:35 AM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Granholm, Merit, Promise, Free Will (all tags)

    Its that time of the year, where my promotional sales people call and ask how many calendars, pens, or flashlights we want.  This year I had to tell them it wasn't going to happen.  "No amount of off color jokes can get me to buy those pens this year Mark."  OR  "Sorry Sarah, I just cannot afford the pocket organizers this time.  Call me again in the spring."

    That money is being used elsewhere.

    Its still sometimes a tough decision to turn down a sales person you wouldn't know by face but have somehow developed a decent "phone relationship" with over time.  For several years I was one of those businesses which could be counted on, even if I played hard to get, for a small sale at the very least.  But the way things are going, I thought it was time to put off the gratuitous promotions through gadgets.  This year I have different priorities.

    Maybe the governor could understand as well, that sometimes you have to take a step back and look at what is available to work with, and actually compare to what is available.  Kinda tough I suppose, when you need something... anything decent as a legacy.

    The MICHIGAN PROMISE GRANT ACT of 2006 is Governor Jennifer Granholm's "great work" project that might well need to be broken for a balanced budget this year.  Its on the cutting block, but she wants it back in the pantry. Its her last best work that even enough conservative types supported once upon a time to get passed.  An attempt to provide students that make an effort and play by the rules receive assistance for their education.  

    Of course it couldn't have existed without the Tobacco settlement that spawned the Michigan Merit funding in 1999.  Under the program tens of thousands of graduating students had a chance to get a jump start on the funding for their education. As of this writing (am waiting for actual numbers from treasury) the remaining funding from the tobacco is not  quite as high as it once was based on tobacco use in the state, but is substantial.  Nowhere in the settlement however, was it mandated for any such purpose as providing college age students a guarantee of higher ed.  But it found a comfortable home there during some relatively prosperous times.

    In fact the health care industry in Michigan spent millions to convert the scholarship money by ballot initiative (defacto constitutional directive by voters) in 2002.  The Merit program had survived a well funded effort to route the money into "anti smoking" advertising in the 2002 election cycle, resulting in continued funding of roughly $100,000,000 per year for the scholarships.   The state still gets tobacco money, and can pretty much spend it as general fund. But nothing stands out so well as a well placed singularly attractive program like one that presents itself as an investment in our future, so she is trying to protect it.

    Perhaps some things need to be let go.  For our business, it was the investment in a particular form of advertising gimmickry, for the  tobacco industry it was $206 Billion over 26 years, but for Michigan, it may well have to be the promise scholarship.

    This is where I and my business partner for life wanted to jump in.  We want to help Michigan students where we can.  But we do things a little differently than our state government.  We try to help... Voluntarily

    This Saturday on Halloween, we will be handing out 100 pocket constitutions (Which I ordered HERE) to children who are old enough to read. These will have.. as bookmarks, a set of rules for a scholarship competition to try for one of Five $100.00 awards.  (more if they get a teacher involved) Money to be used for meals, books, whatever ..pizza maybe.  It will be open to Michigan students between the ages of 10-17, who will be asked to write on the constitution. Instructions are also available by clicking the image below.

    I DID say the money was being used elsewhere, didn't I?  

    But the difference..  Its OUR money..  Its not money ostensibly being "returned to the citizens" for the payments made into the health care system.  Its not money stolen from us in the name of "investment."  It is $500 (or more)that could buy a new computer, a desk, (if you ever visit.. you'll note I built my own..) or some.. gimmicky advertising.

    Our state leadership has some wonderful Pollyanna views of how things should be.  At least as long as there is a way to fund it.  The preferred method of course, is to pick pocket whomever might still have some change left.  Generally, that has worked, but as time progresses, people realize Michigan is the wrong side of the tracks and don't come over much any more for fear of being robbed.   The "grand visions," and idealistic meandering of the states economy through cherry picking industries have somehow scared off the would be benefactors of our treasury.

    I'm not even sure if we can afford to do this, but here is the neat thing..  We can't fail, then make you pay through coercive force!  If it becomes a burden for us, we don't do it again next year.  And because we didn't steal from the public to give it back in the way we see fit, no one can scream or lobby us for "fairness."  

    Government, and Free Markets..  Force, or Free Will..   Coercion, Cooperation..  There is a difference..  I promise.

    < Saving Her Energy? | Current woes highlight need for tax overhaul >

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    What a wonderful personal statement to make (none / 0) (#3)
    by Rougman on Wed Oct 28, 2009 at 01:48:05 PM EST
    John Kennedy said famously "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."  You sir, are doing for your country.

    One negative result of state initiatives like the Promise Grant is that it allows individuals to abdicate their basic responsibilities as citizens to do what they can, personally and individually, to help those around them.  

    Too many of us, myself included at times, can slough off what in earlier generations would have been considered a responsibility to our neighbors, community and country because we assume that our obligations are being taken care of by the collective.  Those that have been taxed into oblivion have little choice but to stand aside and pat Uncle Sam on the back for a job well done.

    How simple is that? (none / 0) (#4)
    by maidintheus on Wed Oct 28, 2009 at 02:24:38 PM EST
    That's pretty simple, Mr. G.

    This post really is a wonderful example of how things aught to be... and what a great American you are.

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