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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Thursday in the Sphere: January 8

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Thu Jan 08, 2009 at 07:11:31 AM EST
    Tags: (all tags)

    A Conservative Teacher: Libertarians Screwed Themselves Again by Voting Libertarian

    Cameron Brown: Pennies From Heaven (or DC) for Michigan?

    Duke Over America: Monica Conyers to the Rescue in the Middle East... Hurray

    Life With Mr. O: Numb

    Mike Bishop: Thoughts on Federal Dollars for States

    < Day one of Obama's first term brings return of the PC police | Brooks Patterson tossing his hat into the ring >

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    Libertarians screwed themselves (none / 0) (#1)
    by jgillmanjr on Thu Jan 08, 2009 at 08:03:40 AM EST
    This is hilarious. What I really loved was this blurb right here:
    I continually fail to see the logic behind libertarians, constitution party, or other conservative leaning people not voting for conservative candidates just because they have the word "Republican" in front of their name.

    Are you kidding me? Unfortunately, you aren't.

    Get off the damn "I'm going to blame people who voted third party for my candidate not winning" bandwagon.

    You want to blame libertarians and other TRUE conservative third party voters for not selecting a candidate because they're labeled republican? Well guess what, that might not be the case if the party actually cleaned up it's act and differentiated itself from the leftists. You might as well vote for a Libertarian candidate if the Republican is going to legislate like a Democrat.

    I voted for Hoogendyk for senate because I know he isn't going to legislate like a Democrat.

    I voted for Cliff Taylor because I know he'd legitimately exercise his power on the bench.

    I however voted for Ron Paul in the primary, and only voted for McCain because I hoped he wouldn't be as bad as Obama.

    I voted for Michael Badnarik, the LP candidate in 2004. Obviously Bush won. Look what we have: a Republican president that gave the free market system the big middle finger.

    So yeah, you wonder why Libertarians and other third party conservative voters shy away from republican candidates when they don't know them.

    The teacher flunks... (none / 0) (#3)
    by rdww on Thu Jan 08, 2009 at 09:06:33 AM EST
    "if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem."

    ...by using the very "reactionary" voting approach that you support.  Note that you're not encouraging libertarians to vote FOR anyone, but to rather vote AGAINST those darn socialist/liberals.  And for good measure, you call them "idiots" a few times.  It seems like you'd eventually get a bit nervous being part of a circular firing squad.

    Platform... (none / 0) (#5)
    by John Galt on Thu Jan 08, 2009 at 02:59:23 PM EST
    And which platform are you dictating for us today?

    The one I see listed seems to be adhered to by most Republicans.


    "3 of the 5" (none / 0) (#7)
    by John Galt on Thu Jan 08, 2009 at 04:29:28 PM EST
    Yeah, Gillman.  Because we can all disagree.

    Not every bill that comes across congress is clear cut.  If we want to perform one of the other pillars of the platform (Win in Iraq), then we have to increase military spending - which then isn't fiscally conservative.

    Hell, you and others disagree with the Libertarian platform.  We can all disagree on a particular issue - that doesn't make any of us RINOs or "not living up to the party platform".

    You supported a LP member in 2004 - because John F'in Kerry would've been better than Bush?  I'd rather support someone who might meet me 70% of the way than default lose to someone who will meet me 30% of the way.  And if you want to say that's not "sticking to my principles" - then let's see how far our principles stick in the next four years.

    The difference between being in the Libertarian Party and the Republican Party isn't the party - it's you.  Any committee is what you make of it - and how you maneuver and convince people.  If you can't convince people to be more conservative in an established party, how are you going to convince them to be conservative in the Libertarian Party?  While you're sticking to your principles, I'm going to be out working towards mine.

    I find Conservative Teacher's logic interesting... (none / 0) (#9)
    by KG One on Fri Jan 09, 2009 at 03:13:53 PM EST
    ...to say the least.

    "Vote for conservative Republicans next time instead of voting third party or staying home."

    Great! Care to cite some examples from the top of the ticket that you can hold up for examples?

    The current top of the party ticket pushed for EXPANDING prescription drug coverage for seniors, farm subsidies, a government hand out to Wall Street and Detroit. He also would pardon (and later revoke) a pardon for a party donor, yet fails to consider pardoning Ramos & Compeon for doing their job? So much for that party plank about:

    Our determination to
    uphold the rule of law begins
    with more effective enforcement,
    giving our agents the
    tools and resources they need
    to protect our sovereignty...

    Yes, take the word of a convicted drug dealer over the word of a border patrol agent...great job sticking to principle!

    The top of the ticket for the 2008 election supported AMNESTY for illegal aliens (so much for secure borders...I thought that was on Pg. 10 of the 2008 platform), campaign finance "reform" (so much for limited government), and had his hands dirty from the S&L scandal back in the 80's.

    Do I need to mention the republicans in Lansing (yes, I used a lower case "r" on purpose...I'm getting tired of referring to them as RINO's) who supported a tax hike on Michigan Residents and Businesses last year. To make things even worse, republicans even allowed a vote on the floor of the Michigan Senate, WHICH THEY CONTROLLED!

    So, I'm supposed to feel some kind of guilt for not voting Republican, simply because because voting for a Democrat is bad, yet fails to cite any clear concise examples of how voting for a Republican candidate would be any different this time around?

    And nice try attempting to blame everything on those of us who split our ticket.

    For the record: I did vote for Cliff Taylor.

    I didn't buy the "sleeping judge" B.S. that was being touted about as fact, and even cited examples of the people who made statements to the contrary as a reason TO vote for him to the people that I've spoken to leading up to the election.

    Maybe next time you can direct some of that vitriol towards the examples whom I've mentioned above, instead of those of us who chose to support principle over pragmatism.

    Interesting Logic, Indeed (none / 0) (#10)
    by John Galt on Sat Jan 10, 2009 at 09:04:18 AM EST
    Yeah, it's interesting logic.  She's talking about the Senate Race in Minnesota, where Norm Coleman (who isn't the "top of the ticket") may lose because of third party whiners.

    So go ahead.  Use your unassailable logic to talk about the top of the ticket to disparage her, while the entire time proving her point that you voted - DOWN TICKET - as a conservative Republican.


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