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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Breaking on Right Michigan: Cong. Mike Rogers introduces sweeping stimulus plan reforms

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Tue Jan 27, 2009 at 03:47:11 PM EST
    Tags: Mike Rogers, Congress, stimulus, Big 3, Obama (all tags)

    Congressman Mike Rogers (R-Michigan) has had a busy afternoon.  He began by meeting with the GOP conference and President Obama and is this afternoon testifying before the Rules Committee but in between took a few minutes from his hectic schedule to speak exclusively with RightMichigan.com about a pair of amendments to the massive Obama stimulus package he submitted today.  

    And we're not talking about run-of-the-mill process stuff here.  Roger's proposals are dynamic, exciting and hold a heck of a lot of promise.  So what are they all about?  Interview follows:

    Read on...

    Congressman, thanks again for making the time.  I know you're due in committee in just a moment here so I'll jump right into it and start at the beginning with the President's plan.  Bottom line, how many jobs will the Obama stimulus plan create?

    Actually, the Administration can't tell us if it creates any jobs at all. They just shrug their shoulders about spending what will be more than a trillion dollars and are unsure it will create even one job.  Take  a look at their testimony at the House Ways and Means Committee under questioning from Michigan Congressman Dave Camp, top Republican on the committee.

    There is lots of spending in the Obama bill.  Why won't that create jobs?

    Unfortunately, much of it is unrelated to jobs creation and surely won't do anything for Michigan.  For example, the bill includes $21 million to re-sod the National Mall in Washington, DC.  I'm pretty sure that won't create any jobs in Michigan.  But I know selling more American cars and trucks would.

    Now you've submitted a pair of amendments to the plan that rework it in some pretty key areas.  How many jobs will YOUR plan create?

    We've done our research carefully, over many months, and our conservative estimate is that more than one million jobs would come out of a comprehensive plan to build our energy independence, support the efforts to get ourselves to the next generation of fuel-efficient cars, and increase our American-made energy sources.  

    And as I look it over, yours is a proposal that looks like it may actually help Michigan, which would be a pleasant change.  What is in your plan exactly and why will it work to actually stimulate the economy and create jobs?

    It is a broad-based plan that involves loan guarantees for U.S. automakers and their workers to develop alternative cars and trucks of the future, and a program to build more zero-emission nuclear power to fuel those vehicles of the future. I also include a tax credit that will get older, less fuel-efficient cars off the road and encourage people to buy newer, cleaner, more fuel-efficient cars for their families. Among the side effects would be the boost to new car sales and improved air quality throughout our nation.

    Does the Obama plan help Michigan; how does it interact with his attack yesterday on the Big 3 and Michigan's labor force?

    The Obama plan includes some money to help the Big 3 retool their factories, but it is less than what Michigan's Democrat leaders asked for and it is barely a fraction of the $40 billion-plus it is expected to cost to pay for the new Obama regulations heaped on the automakers this week. We can't create jobs if our manufacturing sector is taking one step forward and three steps back.

    There is still that ever-present concern about throwing good money after bad and overstepping government's boundaries, especially in President Obama's stimulus plan.  Will Republicans oppose wasteful spending?

    Actually, the Democrats in Congress have snuck in a number of provisions President Obama never asked for.  We certainly need to do everything possible to protect American taxpayers.  Spending more than a trillion dollars to create 32 new government programs is not the key to being good stewards of the people's money or our future as a nation. I believe that message was quite clear in comments from Members at the Republican meeting with the President this afternoon.  Only 2.7 percent of the cost of this bill would go to tax incentives for small businesses.

    What are some specific examples of bad ideas in the Nancy Pelosi's stimulus?

    Let's see, where to begin.  The bill that we are going to vote on with little to no Republican input includes: $335 million for sexually transmitted disease education and prevention, $150 million to the Smithsonian, $50 million to the National Endowment for the Arts, $1 billion to the census program, and $44 million to repair the Agriculture Department headquarters in Washington.  I know this was not the kind of bipartisanship President Obama was hoping for.

    How can people find out more about your plan, Congressman?

    This proposal is actually based on legislation I introduced last May - the first comprehensive Energy Independence Plan and the details are featured at MikeRogers.house.gov or my YouTube page.

    Congressman, thank you again and best of luck with this one going forward!

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    This is all well and good... (none / 0) (#1)
    by KG One on Tue Jan 27, 2009 at 06:50:44 PM EST
    ...but we're still back at square one with the government picking winners and losers.

    And after the latest government "bailout" scheme that blew up in Washington's face (i.e. accounting for EXACTLY where the TARP money went), I'm shaking my head when I find anyone who believes that Washington won't screw up this recession any worse that it already is.

    I thought that we learned out lessons from FDR's mistakes; Government throwing money at the problem, picking and choosing who it feels "deserves" support, will only end in failure (again).

    If we're looking at an ideal "stimulus" package, I like the idea that was floated on 'JR a few days ago.

    The idea goes along these lines: our economy is not functioning correctly because people are not purchasing anything. When people aren't purchasing anything, people eventually get laid off/fired from the place of employment.


    For people to purchase items, they need money.

    So, why not put money back in people's pockets the quickest way possible: Do not remove it in the first place (read: suspend the federal income tax for a period of one year).

    The latest estimate of President Obama's economic stimulus package is around $850 billion dollars. We know that this is only an estimate, and will go higher.

    He has also stated under no under certain terms that "He won" regarding last November's elections. Any input that he'll accept from the Republican Caucus will be token, at best.

    Now, if the numbers I have are correct, the federal government collects around $1.01 Trillion in income taxes each year.

    Suspending the income tax will allocate an almost identical amount of money as the President's "stimulus" plan. It will do so quickly, and put in in the hands of the people who know how to spend it to right our economy, the people who earned it in the first place.

    An added plus here is that it will also put Obama/his handlers in a awkward position of having to say no to letting people keep what they have earned, and have to go through a middleman to get some of it back.

    Now, why isn't a plan like this promoted?

    • Good call by Ed Burley, 01/28/2009 12:51:45 PM EST (none / 0)
    Racial Quotas in Stimulus Plan (none / 0) (#2)
    by Victor Laszlo on Wed Jan 28, 2009 at 11:15:19 AM EST
    Apparently, the Messiah's so-called job stimulus package includes racial quotas regarding job creation.


    I agree with KG One (none / 0) (#3)
    by apackof2 on Wed Jan 28, 2009 at 12:16:17 PM EST
    I am disappointed. Its like we can't beat 'em so lets join'em with our own govertment spending plan

    Right NOW is the time for every Republican stand up against this 1st press by Obama for more goverment spending and push tax cuts. Not one Republican footprint on this bill. Obama can live & die by this thing

    In addition:

    "A little-discussed provision in President Obama's economic stimulus plan would demand that every American submit to a government program for electronic medical records without a choice to opt out, and it has privacy advocates more than a little alarmed."  http://www.worldnetdaily.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=87322

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