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From my friend.... Chuck MoranBy Wendy Day, Section News
One of the things that made Reagan so successful was that he had a strong rudder and knew where he was going. He didn't let the "facts" change his mind. When presented with information counter to what he knew was right, he just told them to get him some new facts.
Recently folks have been talking about personal responsibility and families (not family values). These issues resonate with most Americans and speak truth. If these issues are to be our rudder, our leaders can't be thrown off course by the "big tent" theory. With that in mind, here is an e-mail I got from a friend of mine, Chuck Moran. Enjoy! I just wanted to throw out some thoughts I had this morning with regards to Saul Anuzis' run for RNC Chairman as well as the direction the Party is headed in the future. Let me start right off by saying that I have spoken to Saul many times in the past and found him energetic and affable. He is a good speaker and is far from being lazy. At this point in time, I am not saying he is my candidate for the position of RNC Chair, but if he won I wouldn't throw myself out a window either. Please do your homework on this important issue. My problem is the direction of the Party itself. Prior to the 2006 gubernatorial race in Michigan, I wrote Saul and Party Chief, Chuck Yob, that "the average voter cannot tell the difference between a Democrat and a Republican" after these men supported Joe Schwartz for U.S. Representative in Michigan's 7th Congressional District. While I have no personal animus towards Joe, I believed he did not reflect the traditional Republican values his constituents desired such as protecting the unborn and not supporting embryonic stem cell research. This runs counter to the traditional GOP platform and blurs the distinction of who is the liberal in the race. My suggestion was to not support anyone in the race if they couldn't come right out and support Joe's conservative opponent. Mr. Schwartz lost to Tim Walberg in that race. Since that time, I believe Saul has gotten "Conservative Religion". Read on....
Getting back to the foundation of the Party itself, Saul had an article posted on his website which has one spokesman saying he was worried the Party will be viewed as a "Southern party" and that we should have a big tent to include everyone. That is exactly the WRONG idea for the Republican Party's future! Michael Steele of Maryland is viewed by some as being a "moderate" according to the article and not what this Party needs. At least Saul speaks of Conservative values! Why would anyone say that they are "afraid of being a Southern Party"? It is not about geography - it's the inherent values our Southern brethren hold: God, family, Country, Second Amendment rights, earning a living and so on that has the current leadership afraid of narrowing our "tent". The truth be told, these principles are held fast all throughout America and not just a few states.
The "Big Tent" idea is what helped put Obama in the White House and stuffed both houses of Congress with lunatic fringe liberals. I like to look at this as if Pepsi started filling their bottles with Coke and Dr. Pepper to attract more sales because so many people like those soft drinks, too. What do you think would happen to Pepsi sales? Sure, you would find a few people like the Coke and Dr. Pepper taste, but to most of those who want the flavor they have known for years, they will be looking for another brand to meet their tastes. In the end, Pepsi would lose a lot of sales. The Republican Party has turned into a "me too!" organization with issues such as the "man-made global warming" hoax, pro-abortion, cutting defense, fiscal irresponsibility, higher taxes for all, more welfare state subsidies, et al, ad nauseum. How does this contrast with Republican principles of less government, lower taxes, national security, opportunities for all, as well as life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? What has happened to the "Republican Brand" since it has been tainted? We missed the opportunity to bring back the idea of Line Item Veto, which would have contained costs and keep the National Debt from exploding; allowed liberals to stonewall Supreme Court and federal bench nominees without merit or Constitutional basis; we stood impotent to rein in Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae which brought on today's recession and bailout fiascoes, and other opportunities to make a stronger America. We have become afraid to stand forcefully for real Republican values. In any legislative chamber, the liberals can say and do the most outrageous things which will bring on a Republican response of, "I certainly had hoped my friend from Such and Such could have communicated on a high plane than that. It is so regrettable, blah, blah, blah." Who will the electorate remember? Not our members, but they will remember the lies. The radical environmentalist agenda has hand-cuffed America with regards to energy development in nuclear, oil, and natural gas. Our political enemies blamed President Bush and V.P. Dick Cheney for $4.25/gal gas - and got away with it! Where was the Republican Party (other than refusing to go on vacation) with billboards, letters to the editor, and bumper stickers letting the people know who really deserves the blame? We have allowed our political enemies to define who we are. Ask any high school or college student what it means to be a Republican and you just may hear, "Oh, they only stand for the rich" -or- "They are against equal rights for minorities". Does this really sound like the Republican Party you joined? We have missed opportunities to educate the public on where we stand. Even during the presidential debates, John McCain was given a slow hanging curve right over the plate and he didn't even swing. We waited for McCain to jump on Obama and his connections to radicals, Communists, felons and his ultra-leftist ideology, but none came. It has been said that opportunities aren't lost as someone else will take them. The liberal Democrats have many public leaders to spread about their version of a great socialistic America, but who do we have on the state and national scene to counter this besides talk radio? I would say most Americans can relate to Republican values already, but they need to be told by our team what those values are. People like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin and many others aren't reaching the public as much as preaching to their own choirs. If you ask a young person if they ever listen to Rush Limbaugh, for example, you shouldn't be surprised to hear, "No, but I can't stand him." By not standing up for real Republican values such as the ones outlined in the clearly-written "Contract With America", we have allowed the most ignorant, indoctrinated and apathetic people pick our nation's leadership. Go in the inner city where only 25% of the people graduate from high school - who do you think they vote for? Why is it that the "man on the street" interviews hosted by Steve Allen, Jay Leno and others ever pick someone who supports a Republican? With no recognizable Republican brand that average people can identify with, we can only expect more of the same. In my opinion, the average voter has about a second grade level of understanding with regards to government, history, issues and current events. This person has an attention span of approximately 30 seconds in which we can reach them. We MUST pick state and national leaders which will engage the grassroots with a clear vision of how we can reach the general public. Patting each other on the back while not inviting our friends, neighbors and co-workers to GOP functions won't help us one iota. We have allowed the Democrats, through the Socialist/Communist principle of income re-distribution, to buy their votes with other citizens' money. It is this notion that has cost the country $11 trillion in failed efforts which has lead to the destruction of minority/urban families. Such efforts have cost these people their sense of dignity to become self-sufficient, responsible citizens. It will take more effort and brain power from the Republican Party to stop this national tragedy than it was used to create it. We stand for equal opportunity and freedom, but to listen to our political enemies, they have painted us as hate-mongers who love repression. We can't stand silently for this. I am not crazy enough to say I have all the answers to these issues and more, but I am looking toward a change in direction and leadership which will bring about a strong Republican backlash across the nation in 2010 and beyond. Now is not the time to sit back and wait for people to start liking the Republican message - we have to take it to them. The least any member can do is to invite one friend or neighbor to a GOP event or meeting. Let the people learn for themselves what being a Republican is all about. Yes, there is something you can do to stop the nonsense!
From my friend.... Chuck Moran | 0 comments (0 topical, 0 hidden)