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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    SHOCK: The cost of prolonged failure -- Raising taxes on job makers by another $860+ million

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Tue Jan 13, 2009 at 06:38:54 AM EST
    Tags: John Cherry, Taxes (all tags)

    This one isn't coming through the legislature and its not a "maybe" or a "they might."  The chronic failure of the Granholm-Cherry administration to stop the hemorrhaging of Michigan jobs is about to manifest itself again in the form of one more massive tax hike on job makers.  What's worse, this isn't a tax on sales, on services or on overhead.  It isn't a tax on repairs, on leases and rent or on utilities.  This is a tax on employees.  The more you have the more you pay.

    Lansing insider publication MIRS reported last night that Michigan owes the federal government over $860 million in unemployment insurance.  That happens when you have more people drawing bigger unemployment checks than you have employers paying the unemployment tax each year and, since we're talking about the federal government, a group of bureaucrats and politicians who never have a hard time spending other peoples' money but cannot fathom a delay when it comes to taxpayers paying THEM, we're officially in trouble.

    And did I mention that the feds charge interest on that outstanding debt?

    Here's what it means to Michigan job makers: 45,000 businesses with former employees drawing unemployment, the folks who still scribble those paychecks for your family and your loved ones every-other Friday, will be paying an extra $67.50 PER EMPLOYEE.  Its what they call a "solvency tax" and it won't go away until that $860+ million debt does.

    But wait, there's more... next year every job maker in the state will be charged an extra $21 for every man, woman and teenager they give a job and they'll do that every year until the state is paid up in full.

    Once you factor in interest payments and the expectation that we'll be making them for years, these are tax hikes that will hit job makers to the tune of a billion dollars.  

    Makes you proud to call Jennifer Granholm "Madame Governor," doesn't it?  And even prouder to know that next year you'll have a chance to cast a ballot to give her "right-hand man" John Cherry four more years to deliver the same nonsense?

    I know that prospect gives me the warm fuzzies.

    Oh, and yeah, I know, its all Engler's fault.  Just for the sake of being thorough, though, it should be noted that the $860 million in red ink and tax hikes Michigan Democrats are passing along to job makers is the largest deficit the state has seen since the end of 1983 when this cat named Jim Blanchard was running the show under the Capitol dome.  

    As for the argument that its due to Michigan's manufacturing base and that other Midwestern states are struggling too... yep, that's true.  Other Midwestern states are struggling.  Indiana owes over $180 million themselves.  Problem is, if you take the 49 states not named Michigan, the Midwestern states and everything, and add up all of the unemployment insurance cash they owe and then take that number and multiply it by two, you still don't get a number as big as Michigan's.  

    And the Democrats' answer is to raise the taxes a business pays on the function of employment, incentivizing struggling job makers to lay off even more employees.  Because that won't exacerbate the problem at aaaaaaaall...

    < GM to build Chevrolet Volt batteries in Michigan | Tuesday in the Sphere: January 13 >

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    An interesting point to consider... (none / 0) (#1)
    by KG One on Tue Jan 13, 2009 at 07:45:26 AM EST
    ...if things are this mucked up on the state-level, what will happen on the federal-level when the Chosen One's proposal is put into effect?

    That "stimulus" money must come from somewhere.

    And the copier is running out of ink.

    Not good news. (none / 0) (#2)
    by Rougman on Tue Jan 13, 2009 at 09:31:09 AM EST
    This is depressing.  Thanks Nick.

    We've elected a bunch of idiots.

    Neg. Bal Employers (none / 0) (#3)
    by StillHere on Tue Jan 13, 2009 at 10:25:14 AM EST
    Ok, I'm probably going to get blasted for this, but there is a couple different reasons why we have so many negative balance employers.

    First is our wage ceiling for unemployment tax. It is 9,000.00, which equals about 420.00 per employee per year for a 1st year employer. That number goes down as the rate goes down if your lucky enough not to have to lay anyone off.

    NJ SUI wage ceiling is 28,900 this year plus the employee pays a percentage of their unemployment taxes (along with a disability and their brand new FIL tax)

    PA UIA wage ceiling is 2 tiered. .06% SUI up to 9,999,999.45 (not a typo) and 3.703% up to 8,000.00

    Second is the extension on unemployment benefits granted by the Feds. Taxation levels are based on a 13 week employee UIA benefit, not 26 or 39 weeks.

    I'm not saying employees should not have been grated the extension, they need it and any one of us could end up on the unemployment line. I will say I'm less concerned about the company I work for becoming a negative balance employer in NJ & PA even with the extensions as opposed to it being a real possibility here in MI if we have to lay even one person off. As it stands right now, it's only the negative balance employers that have to pay the tax, but with our wonderful government, give it a minute and it will change (kinda like MI weather).

    There is more. (none / 0) (#5)
    by LookingforReagan on Tue Jan 13, 2009 at 12:17:46 PM EST
    I remember reading an article last year about all the money Jenny No Jobs has borrowed to fix the roads and complete all the highway projects. I have been asking the same question, where is all the money coming from for roads if we are broke. Seems the Czarina has been borrowing that money as well. The number quoted at that time was that Granholm and Cherry had borrowed $400 million dollars to make the roads better. Some of the roads have been resurfaced twice in three years. Makes you wonder what is up with that.
    As I have said before, Granholm needs to be recalled so someone else can be elected to fill that office. Soon there won't be anything left but idiots and crickets in this state. Granholm, Cherry and Dillion are really going to get sick of hearing the bugs rub their back legs together.

    Gee (none / 0) (#7)
    by apackof2 on Tue Jan 13, 2009 at 01:14:03 PM EST
    I had a showing of my house Saturday. This article adds more fuel to the fire of my escape plan from Michigan

    "I didn't leave Michigan,Michigan left me"

    Is it just me? (none / 0) (#9)
    by LookingforReagan on Tue Jan 13, 2009 at 03:56:14 PM EST
    Or does that photo of John Cherry make him look like Chumley the Walrus in the old Tennessee Tuxedo cartoon show? I guess it does fit.

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