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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    "Country (and service) First" for Michigan Delegation

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Wed Sep 03, 2008 at 04:44:18 PM EST
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    Just arriving back at the hotel in time to turn around to hit the Xcel Energy Center for this evening's program but I wanted to jump online and share with everyone the way the Michigan delegates spent their afternoon.  

    That right there is the lower level of the Minneapolis Convention Center and the production lines you're looking at are assembling personal care packages for the displaced residents of the gulf coast.  It is easy to take items like soap, tooth paste, tooth brushes and deodorant for granted... until you find yourself without them.  

    The McCain campaign worked with Target to grab all of those items (plus hand sanitizer) and delegates from across the country used them to create a full 80,000 (!) care packages.

    "We care about what's happening in the state's that are affected by the hurricane," said 91nd District House candidate Holly Hughes.  "We're following John McCain's example and putting "Country First."  That's the theme of what's going on here and we should continue that theme."

    Most of the Michigan delegation arrived shortly after 12:30 and worked until 3pm, pushing back lunch and other conference and convention events to lend a helping hand.  And they proved popular with the press... though some members of the liberal media apparently had a bizarre personal agenda.

    One print correspondent approached a Michigan delegate within earshot and asked the question: "Do you really think it is important to give people deodorant?"

    I couldn't make that up.

    Volunteers, thousands of them, putting together emergency personal hygiene packets for tens of thousands of effectively homeless Americans (however temporarily) and this clown wanted to put that down and question the inclusion of deodorant?

    I couldn't help myself... I looked at the man and shot back "ever heard of dysentery?  It sucks."  

    Oh, but the media, they're not biased at aaaaaaaaaall.

    < Wednesday in the Sphere, September 3 | Jennifer Granholm's husband says women with kids shouldn't run for office >

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