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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Jennifer Granholm is great

    By gnu2u, Section News
    Posted on Sun Sep 28, 2008 at 02:38:09 PM EST
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    I can't believe I just heard this from Mr. Change We Can Believe In:

    "...and one of the greatest Governors in our country, one who is fighting the good fight...Jennifer Granholm".

    Evidently I've been living in some sort of a parallel doppelganger universe.

    I wonder how the governor of the state with the highest job losses and unemployment rates in the country could possibly be considered "great".  

    I wonder how the governor of the state with one of the highest foreclosure rates in the country could possibly be considered "great".  

    I wonder how the governor who consistently hikes taxes on businesses and individuals could possibly be considered "great".

    I wonder how the presidential candidate who said his wife didn't want to say anything today, she just wanted to "sit there and look cute" can't be considered "sexist".  

    Life must be grand on Planet Michigan in the Universe of the Democrats.  I can hardly wait for for the Granhom greatness to be spread nationwide. Not exactly the Change I Can Believe In. (BTW, never end a sentence in a preposition Mr. Obama.)

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