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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Michigan Blogger Hailed as Livingston County's Sarah Palin!

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Tue Sep 16, 2008 at 11:09:48 AM EST
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    This is cooler than cool.  We've got a lot of up-and-coming talent here in Michigan's conservative blogosphere and, it turns out, someone at the Livingston County Daily Press and Argus agrees.  The managing editor recently published a column with high praise for one of our own with a headline trumpeting: County's got its own Sarah Palin

    Ladies and Gentlemen, For a Better Day's Wendy Day!

    I don't know the Sarah Palin, but I know Livingston County's version: Wendy Day, a member of the Howell Public Schools Board of Education...

    "I love Sarah Palin," Day said, flattered that I would lump the two of them together. Yet how could I not? Both women share a lot of the same personal qualities.

    The two understand and excel at communication, and they love politics. Both have connections to the military: Palin's son is readying for deployment to Iraq; Day's husband earned a Purple Heart and Bronze Star there.

    Day also pointed out that the relationship the two have with their husbands is similar.

    "Her husband is much quieter than she is, and he's so supportive of her," Day said.

    Aside: Wait, does that mean that Wendy is outspoken?  Who'd have thunk it!  The Press continues:

    It's when you consider the women in terms of their politics that the similarities are nothing short of remarkable; they are one and the same. Their political views are identical, "straight down the line," according to Day.

    Both women are as conservative as conservative can be; it's difficult to figure which of them is the last one on the right...

    When I suggested Day would likely follow in Palin's footsteps if she lived in Alaska and be elected mayor of Wasilla, she laughed: "Well, I'd never get elected mayor of Howell."

    I'm not sure the entirety of the article is MEANT to be flattering but to these conservative eyes it reads that way.  Wendy has been open to the Lord's will in her life and she hasn't been afraid to take a stand and to let you know she's taking it.  The Press article is high praise and rightly deserved!

    Oh, and everyone is now officially on notice.  Enjoy Mrs. Day's blogging days while they last and get your autographs while you can.  And Wendy, try not to forget us little people when you get wherever it is you're ultimately headed!

    < EAG still waiting for Southfield union to follow through on their offer | How many RSVP's?! >

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    Be careful (none / 0) (#1)
    by sisterbobo on Tue Sep 16, 2008 at 04:38:59 PM EST

    While it is true that she is a Conservative woman with conservative principles, I'm pretty sure that the article in not meant to be flattery.  Even though Sarah Palin has some controversies out there, by contrast Ms. Day's controversies would be a tad difficult to overcome should she try to seek higher office.

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