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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Screwy Week in Macomb County Government

    By RightMacomb, Section News
    Posted on Sun Sep 14, 2008 at 12:43:35 PM EST
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    Macomb County is facing a HUGE $33 Million deficit for 2009 and a MORE HUGE $43 Million deficit in 2010.  The fact that these deficits were coming has been known for years.  There have been deficits for the past several years.  And each year, the County Board of Commissioners has been the preverbal ostriches with sticking their heads in the sand.  Each year, instead of addressing over spending, they have taken money from savings and just kept on spending.  This week pretty much shows that this government is pretty much out of touch with what they need to do.

    Let's start with priorities.  This Board is the same board that put a Charter Commission ballot question up for a vote of the people in May.  It passed.  Now, the chairman of the board this week states in the Macomb Daily this week that the county may not have the money to fund the commission.  Now, if you put something on the ballot, should you not have the forethought to think about how to fund it?  Not the people that run this board.

    Read On...

    Follow that up with the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners, Bill Crouchman, talking about Cobo Hall expansion in Detroit.  Granted, it is good that the Chairman is trying to have some type of regional cooperation.  But, the Chairman is facing a $33 Million deficit.  The Chairman does not have the time to worry about Cobo.  He needs to get his own house in order first.  This is like Governor Granholm trying to tell Governor Palin how to build the new natural gas pipeline.  It just should not be happening.

    Next, as reported in the Macomb Daily, the county legal department is worried about current county commissioners and some county candidates using the county seal on their literature.  Again, this is a county facing a $33 Million deficit.  Should they be spending time on putting together a logo task-force?  Whatever lawyer they have hired to police the use of a logo is not a lawyer that they need in the county government.

    Then, there is the Macomb County's subsidized nursing home facility.  For years, the county has been partially funding the facility and each year as there has been a deficit, the county subsidy has been questioned.  But, each year, the county continued to spending without looking for how to reduce the spending at the facility.  This year, now that the county has actually talked about closing the facility due to the budget shortfall, the facility is now looking at ways to save money.  Why does it take the threat of closure of any publicly funding facility to get these facilities to curb their costs?

    Then, there is the public embarrassment known as the Harrison Township Board of Trustees.  Each week, the 4 lamb duck members (Ron Garvin, Sharon Eineman, Jim Ulinski, and Mike Rice) of this board have been trying to prove that can do a worse job than they did the week before.  This week's target of their fury was the St. Hubert's Catholic Church.  Last weekend, the church had their annual festival.  As a part of raising money for the church and the charities it would support, each year they charge political candidates $50 to hang a sign in the main tent, which happens at many other churches as well.

    But, for these 4 trustees, that was a big no-no.  So, did they go after the candidates?  No.  They went after the church.  At their Board of Trustee meeting last Monday, these 4 voted to charge a $600 fee against the church for trying to use political candidates to raise money for charity.  Fortunately, to avoid the church from having to pay the fee, St. Hubert parishioner and State Representative candidate Bryan Brandenburg paid the fee.  Finally, after a week of this, on Friday, some sanity returned when the Board waived the fee again.  Fortunately for Harrison Township, they only have 7 more weeks left of this Board.

    That was the week in Macomb County politics that you may not have heard of.

    < The Weekend in the Sphere | It's not easy being green >

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    The Dirty Little Secret (none / 0) (#1)
    by Victor Laszlo on Sun Sep 14, 2008 at 09:21:41 PM EST
    Regarding Macomb County's charter commission, the dirty little secret is that there are at least two competing charters already fully drafted in detail.  Lawyers have already drafted one charter for Ed Bruley's (Macomb County Chairman and current County Commissioner) loyalists.  Other lawyers have already drafted another charter for Sheriff Hackel's/County Prosecutor Eric Smith's partisans.  In December, when the newly elected charter commissioners meet for the first time, these competing charters will be unveiled and presented as a fait accompli upon the citizens of Macomb County.

    Screwy week in Macomb (none / 0) (#4)
    by Rightman on Wed Sep 17, 2008 at 05:59:45 PM EST
    What isn't being reported in the story of Harrison Twp., is that St. Hubert's NEVER allows political advertising. The four so-called GOP candidates who did, violated the church's policy. A RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATION SHOULD NEVER INVOLVE ITSELF IN POLITICS OR VICE VERSA. As for Mr. Brandenburg paying the fee-isn't that a violation of campaign finance law that should be prosecuted?
    Mr. Brandenburg should spend more time on running a CLEAN business enterprise in Harrison Twp. and stop worrying about a church he never attends.

    The four trustees mentioned have beeen the only board members to oppose the Forlini-Brandenburg Tax Hike Program to raise local taxes above 8 mils. Even our Deputy Treasurer wants a tax increase-even though he says real Republicans don't raise taxes. Typical hypocrites.

    Screwy week in Macomb (none / 0) (#5)
    by Rightman on Wed Sep 17, 2008 at 06:10:00 PM EST
    Perhaps rhe author (RightMacomb) should go back to college and learn how to spell? (Ha Ha)

    P.S. Perhaps grade school?

    Any word... (none / 0) (#6)
    by KG One on Thu Sep 18, 2008 at 06:58:59 PM EST
    ...on how much of these shenanagians will be discussed next Thursday in the Taj Macomb?

    How do you spell the (none / 0) (#9)
    by Rightman on Fri Sep 19, 2008 at 01:15:14 PM EST
    You got one right for a change! Congratulations!
    Yet the fact remains that the four Harrison trusteees are opposing the Forlini-Brandenburg Tax Hike Program to raise local property taxes from 6.67 mils to 8 mils. They fight taxes-as real Republicans should. Yet only two of them are Republicans(Eineman and Rice). Where are Forlini and Brandenburg when it comes to keeping local taxes low? If Bryan is anything like his old man-you'll have to ask him at the local tavern.

    Let's just be honest..... (none / 0) (#10)
    by ZmanHot on Fri Sep 19, 2008 at 03:38:30 PM EST
    And go with the real facts here:

    It's against township ordinances for the church, or any non-profit organization to engage in political activity, whether they've done so in the past or not. And these signs were not mixed in with other signs, or in a space to where attention would not be drawn to them. They were hung off a line in the middle of the food tent, putting them right into the view of everyone going to the outside festivel area. Also, to my knowledge, not every candidate was contacted about doing this. Out of all non-profits, churches should be engaged in this stuff among the least.

    Now as for the trustees, thanks to them taxes minutely went up from the last budget, and Sharon Eineman, and James Uliinski didn't want, and voted against any kind of an increase. Aren't tax fighters heralded here? They cut out a whole lot of fat from this budget, and used it to hire more police protection. They've established a tax free parks and rec. department. They made sure the new fire station got up and running mostly thanks to Mike Rice. Sharon Eineman voted against raising inspection fees, and she leading the charge, have made sure that businesses were being cited equally with private homes.

    Thanks to them we don't have an 8 or 9 mills millage, instead of 6.67 mills. That we don't have Gull Island. We have not only a balanced budget, but also a surplus. And in fact, Harrison TWP. was voted the second best place to live in CNN Money Magazine for 2007.

    They hold the township up, and fight corrption, while the Supervisor encourages it, as does the Treasurer. Both work little in the offices, and both (esepcially the Supervisor) want a higher millage. And the Clerk was partially responsible for that barge being in the canal that killed those boaters. Go after them.

    Reminder. (none / 0) (#12)
    by KG One on Wed Sep 24, 2008 at 09:52:36 AM EST
    The Macomb County Board of Commissioners will be meeting tomorrow night, September 25th, at 7:00pm in the County Administration Building.

    With all of the bellyaching I've seen over a $600,000 cut for Freedom Hill, I'd love to see their resolve for the other $32,400,000 they need to lose.

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