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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Green Energy is going to burn your green.

    By DanaP, Section News
    Posted on Mon Sep 01, 2008 at 10:31:40 AM EST
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    "Saying it's only fair, Michigan lawmakers plan to raise residential electricity bills and drop business rates so all customers are charged the true cost of their power."Lansing State Journal

    Alternative Energy is the buzz word these days, and with oil prices through the roof, it does make sense that we explore alternatives for our energy.  

    However, in the grand scope of things, practicality must be equally weighed with the need for advancement.

    "Residential customers of Consumers Energy account for just over one-third of sales yet would pay nearly half the maximum amount charged by the state's second-biggest utility for renewable energy."

    The push to spend the hard earned dollars of other people before the general economic well being of the state is improved shows a blatant disregard for the basics of budgeting.  It's not their personal money that's being spent, so why be careful?

    Sure, we all know that anytime advancement occurs, you are generally hit heavy in the beginning, and things tend to even out down the road.  However, I have to wonder how fiscally responsible it is to start charging people even more money (even if it is a few bucks a month) for something that is considered a mandatory household expense when people are just barely getting by?  Can't this wait?  Or better yet, let's get creative on how to fund such endeavors?

    It all goes back to basics.  When looking at your personal finances, you must always make sure your four walls are covered... food, shelter, transportation & clothing.  This doesn't mean making sure you have a McMansion, or Louis Vuitton bags in your closet.... Is your belly full and can you get to work safely?  

    Once your four walls are covered, then you can look into creating an emergency fund, paying off debt, and investing.  If you jump the gun to the extras before your four walls are completed, those walls are going to come crumbling down.  Which couldn't be more evident in today's economic climate in Michigan.

    Representatives of the State of Michigan...  don't think you know more than the people who are paying the bills.  We can't afford more money being siphoned out every two weeks.  Our babies need food.  Our children need to be clothed.  We need to be gainfully employed.  

    Fix those problems first, and it will build the confidence the taxpayers are lacking in your positions.  

    Fix those problems first, then we can talk about what is "fair".

    < Monday in the Sphere, September 1 | Monday in Minneapolis, Michigan Republicans leading MN hurricane relief effort >

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    Get educated (none / 0) (#1)
    by NoviDemocrat on Mon Sep 01, 2008 at 09:23:15 PM EST
    Residential rates are already subsidized by business customers. That has nothing to do with the renewable energy discussion. The only reason it has come up now is that some in the Legislature want to tie mandates for renewable to a shift in rates from business customers to residential customers.

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