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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Republican Strongholds...but for how long?

    By Wendy Day, Section News
    Posted on Thu Aug 07, 2008 at 08:13:14 AM EST
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    Livingston County has been considered a republican stronghold for years.  However, in the past 10-years there has been a steady migration to Livingston County that has brought a lot of moderates and liberals to the area.  

    For a long time folks took it for granted that republicans would dominate in Livingston County.  That time may be coming to a close.  The democrats are better organized and running candidates for non-partisan positions to gain a foothold in the political scene.

    Read on...

    You may be wondering, "Who cares about Livingston County?"   I assure you that if this is happening where I live, it is happening where you live.  

    And better yet, if you live in an area that is primarily blue, why not adopt their strategy for your own good?

    Democrats are sneaking candidates into non-partisan positions.   This includes School Boards, Judgeships, County Commissioners, City Councils and Township Boards.  

    Democrats understand they can't win with a "D" next to their name, so they run in races they don't need to declare what team they are playing for.

    This is dangerous because name recognition is such a large part of politics and they can get it without the baggage of their actual political platform.  Good for them, bad for us.  

    In Livingston County, conservative as we are suppose to be, we have elected democrats to key positions in the community without blinking an eye.  We even elected a pro-choice, anti-war liberal judge to the bench because she, "is a nice person".  Dumb move.  

    When I ran for School Board in 2006 I was endorsed by our local Republican party, Right-to-Life of Livingston County, the Taxpayers Group, and the Campaign for Michigan Families.  

    Those endorsements brought a lot of whining from democrats who said I shouldn't go after endorsements in a non-partisan race.  It seems they forget that the MEA has endorsed candidates for years, mostly, if not all, liberal.

    Elections are messy and I know local parties are hesitant to get involved too much in non-partisan races.  But the public deserves to know where a candidate stands on issues.  Most people do not have time to go to debates and postcards can look good even if you are Carl Levin.  That is why endorsements are so important.  

    So while the average family in Livingston County is conservative, the government they have elected is not.  What a shame.  If your community is liberal, go ahead and run for a non-partisan position.  Get lots of signs and give evasive, vague answers.  You too can get elected!

    But if you live in a conservative area, please protect your local government from democrats.  They are organized and marching forward to try and infiltrate your non-partisan bodies of government.

    < Thursday in the Sphere, August 7 | Live blogging from D.C. >

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    Opps (none / 0) (#2)
    by Wendy Day on Thu Aug 07, 2008 at 12:29:06 PM EST
    Just to clarify, I was not slamming the local party or their efforts.  We have a lot of folks who work hard to get out the vote, and that makes a difference.

    Also- I voted yesterday and still managed to mess up the partisan and non-partisan races.  Townshp and County Commission seats are partisan.

    You're clueless (none / 0) (#3)
    by NoviDemocrat on Fri Aug 08, 2008 at 12:10:00 AM EST
    Here's a news flash - the majority of people don't want partisan politics infecting their local government. They prefer a system where they can vote for the person who best represents their community without the burden of a party label. Don't like their politics? Fair enough. But you're deluded if you think the average voters wants your Republicon tactics dragged into their local elections.

    But? (none / 0) (#4)
    by detroithuh on Fri Aug 08, 2008 at 12:19:14 AM EST
    It sounds like you, as well, were trying to "infiltrate" the school board. After all, I presume you are a Republican trying (or someone who did try) to get elected to a non-partisan body based on the laurels or a particular political party's platform.

    The sentiment I gather from this post - that every candidate in a non-partisan race should have absolutely no party affiliation or ideology whatsoever - is completely outrageous. It happens all the time, in every county, and to presume otherwise is naive and ridiculous. Both parties have done it for years, and will continue to do it well beyond our own respective lifespans.

    Trying to look at this impartially, as conservatives, should you try to protect your base in Livingston County? Absolutely. Go for it. That's politics. I'll shake hands with you and say, "Good game!" But should you implicitly chastise the people moving to Livingston for being moderate or liberal? Certainly not. Obviously, they too pay the people who make their living from public dollars. Presuming that Livingston County is only for Republican voters is, quite frankly, just as absurd as presuming that no conservatives should move to Detroit.

    Finally, a Michigan district court judge in Livingston County has no authority over war, nor do they have the ability to overturn Roe v. Wade. Reading this in the negative, that's presuming you want a pro-war, pro-life district court judge in a Michigan district court.

    Should anyone care what L. Brooks Patterson or Robert Ficano thinks about national security or abortion? In my opinion, not really. It has nothing to do with the day-to-day work associated with their elected office. What people should care about is how to revitalize an anemic econy, how to attract jobs to Michigan, how to best to provide public safety services to their residents.

    The point is that district court judges have no authority, in that role, to determine whether the county enters into armed conflict with another, or whether a woman can or can't have an abortion... so who cares?

    They oversee misdemeanor cases like drunk driving, small quantities possession of narcotics, and other relatively (emphasis on "relatively") miniscule crimes. Would you vote for a President of the United States based on what they thought about a local zoning ordinance dispute? I would hope not, just as I would hope you wouldn't vote for a school board or district judge candidate based on an issue over which they have absolutely no authority.

    After all, in non-partisan races, it shouldn't matter what a person's party affiliation is, right?


    JGillman (none / 0) (#6)
    by detroithuh on Sat Aug 09, 2008 at 01:39:30 AM EST
    It's certainly possible that I misinterpreted the crux and overall intent of the post. Though I still believe my points still stand, I can see how the post could be a rally call, so to speak, for a conservative movement to thwart Democratic advances in Livingston County. I was merely trying to point out what I believe to be some sort of hypocrasy in the post, as well as an implicit sense of conservative fiefdom in a particular community.

    Also, as a point of clarification, for you and others reading my comment, I referenced one county declaring war on another, and I hope my typo will actually be read as a typo rather than me trying to insist that counties be given the authority to declare war on one another. Of course, I meant country, not county. The idea of two counties going to war against each other is absurd and would probably put forth some sort of Constitutional precedent that I'm certainly not qualified, legally or intellectually, to set.


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