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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    EAG receives legal threat from labor group, won't back down

    By EducationActionGroupdotOrg, Section News
    Posted on Tue Aug 05, 2008 at 10:38:55 AM EST
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    Friday afternoon we received a "cease and desist" letter from the Labor Heritage Society of West Michigan, claiming we "illegally defamed" their logo by using it in our video.

    Citing the vast resources of both the Michigan Education Association and the Communications Workers of America (from whom we received the threat) to sue groups such as ours, we opted to edit the video and repost it. We believe their real intent was to silence the project and eliminate it altogether. They failed.

    For the 3,845 people that saw the original version, the union group didn't like us using the "Spirit of Solidarity" logo during the "Working West Michigan" radio clips.  The LHS contents they have nothing to do with the conflict between the union and the board, which may be true.  We used the logo on the screen during the radio clips because it's prominently displayed on the WWM site.

    We quickly edited the video and reposted it on YouTube, here.

    We're happy the project is having so big an impact that the union group threatened us with a lawsuit because of the use of their silly logo.  We believe this is the first of what will be many attempts to silence our activities.   And rest assured, we'll fight back every time.  They won't address our arguments, so they'll attack either personally or legally.

    < Tuesday in the Sphere, August 5 | ACTION ALERT >

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    My mom . . . (none / 0) (#1)
    by Kevin Rex Heine on Tue Aug 05, 2008 at 12:01:20 PM EST
    . . . is a retired high school English teacher (thank God not mine; it was bad enough she knew mine), and she absolutely agrees with what I'm about to say.

    The single greatest long-term threat to America's continued security, stability, and prosperity - indeed America's continued existence as a sovereign nation - is the government (allegedly public) school system and the teachers' unions that are destroying it one generation at a time.

    Think about this.  Right now colleges have to enroll a very high number of freshmen in remedial Math (to include Algebra) and English (to include Composition) classes just to get them to up-to-speed to a point where they can function at a college level.

    Try to have a current high-school graduate explain the difference between 'profit' and 'profit margin' and most cannot.  Most cannot identify the three branches of American Government, or why they're set up that way.  Most cannot identify the key elements of the Declaration of Independence or of the United States Constitution, or even why they were written in the first place!  Most cannot identify critical flaws in Darwin's Theory of Evolution (which my 7th grade Science teacher spent an entire week of class sessions discussing).  Nor can most correctly define the only legitimate purpose of a tax system.

    But you can bet your tush that nearly every "graduate" currently being churned out by the government school system can correctly identify the Three Stooges, can rack up the high score on the latest shoot-em-up video game, can set up a MySpace or Facebook account to network with people from clear across the the country or halfway around the world (but wouldn't have the clue before the first clue how to set it up as an integral element of a job search), and can drive a car (but don't have the foggiest notion of basic preventive maintenance).

    And these are the people we're going to be expecting to run our businesses, industries, military, government - and by extension our country - within two generations!  Seriously!  Perhaps what we really need is an escape plan.

    So EAG, Bravo Zulu for holding your ground.  Show me where to stand and I will gladly wield a sword (or pen, or bullhorn) in your assistance.

    Enough is enough already.  Where's that petition to put the voucher program on the statewide ballot.

    Illegal Defamation??? (none / 0) (#2)
    by Victor Laszlo on Tue Aug 05, 2008 at 02:02:39 PM EST
    I hope Edgar D. Kettle is not a licensed attorney.  There is no such thing as "illegal defamation" in Michigan.  There is "defamation," which is a civil cause of action but distinct from a criminal prosecution against illegal acts.

    legalities aside... (none / 0) (#4)
    by whatever on Wed Aug 06, 2008 at 10:41:11 AM EST
    yes you did "back down": you changed the video and did what they wanted you to do.

    your spin is as entertaining to watch as that iraqi communications dude that was on tv in the early days of the war.

    keeping spinning. i'll keep popping the corn ;)

    • Talentless by Victor Laszlo, 08/06/2008 11:05:16 AM EST (none / 0)
      • victor! by whatever, 08/06/2008 06:50:24 PM EST (none / 0)
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