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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    %@#: MEA nabs windfall for disgraceful teacher

    By EducationActionGroupdotOrg, Section News
    Posted on Tue Aug 26, 2008 at 09:53:14 AM EST
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    Verbally assaulting and "pretend shooting" students nets payday for a teacher coming to a district near you.

    We hear all the time that schools are experiencing tough financial times and just can't spare a penny for extras--especially when contract negotiations are looming and elected leaders must heed the demands of the adults or face the consequences.

    So news comes out of Saginaw that makes you just want to scream.  If you were to accept the line that the MEA is in it for the kids, it makes you wonder why they would negotiate a deal--costing the Saginaw district some $65,000--to make a vile, verbally abusive employee just go away.

    We think it takes big cajones to cuss out elementary kids.  It takes even bigger cajones to defend the behavior.  But that's exactly what they did.

    According to published reports, former teacher Terri Dinsmore, "repeatedly cursed, intimidated and threatened elementary and middle school students at two schools."  According to the news story, she "threatened to bite off a Houghton Elementary School student's head, `chew it up and spit it out for his grandmother to take care of.'"

    Yikes.  We suppose that was in the "Stand Up For Yourself" lesson plan?

    To the other districts of Michigan, look out.  The story says included with the financial windfall was an agreement that "does not strip Dinsmore of her tenure or prohibit her from working in another Michigan school."

    Just another key example of the MEA only wanting the best educating our kids.

    < Tuesday in the Sphere, August 26 | Got hope? >

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    Doesn't the actions of... (none / 0) (#1)
    by KG One on Tue Aug 26, 2008 at 10:03:45 AM EST
    ...Ms. Dinsmore constitute a "hate crime"?

    Let's see the MEA weasel her out of that!

    Public Schools (none / 0) (#2)
    by Rougman on Tue Aug 26, 2008 at 11:44:38 AM EST
    I have a great idea for our public schools.

    First, lets let a bunch of lawyers from Lansing make all the rules.  Then, lets make it nearly impossible to get rid of crappy teachers.  Then, just for good measure, lets make it equally difficult for schools to get rid of students that cannot control their tempers, don't want to learn, and generally go to school to have fun and disrupt the classroom.  Then, to make it really interesting, lets make the school districts financially dependent on keeping these numbskull hellions in the classroom too!  

    What could possibly go wrong with such a system?

    Lansing is full of morons.

    that's funny... (none / 0) (#3)
    by whateverz on Tue Aug 26, 2008 at 01:22:44 PM EST
    the mea didn't cut the check, the saginaw school district did. if administrators and board members are either too lazy or incompetent to do their jobs, they should have to end up paying in a situation like this.

    due process doesn't (or shouldn't) make teachers "untouchable." those who whine about it are anti-union to begin with and conveniently point the finger away from their own ineptitude in being able to function as an official who must show cause in dismissing an employee.

    sorry, i don't feel sorry for any administrator or school district that blindly throws money at a teacher so he or she will simply and conveniently go away. buck up! you do that, you get what you deserve.

    which in this case is the pay-off of the teacher.

    there are plenty of times teachers are wrongly accused and need due process. pointing out an instance when administrators and school boards dropped the ball doesn't negate the need for due process.

    regardless, due process isn't going away for teachers. you might not like that, you might grouse about how your 9-5 job doesn't have that, blah, blah, blah, but it's reality.

    $100K? (none / 0) (#4)
    by whatever on Tue Aug 26, 2008 at 06:45:41 PM EST
    (sorry about posting under two different names, but for some reason the computer wasn't allowing me to post earlier under this name).

    i also dispute the $100,000 figure the board threw out there (re: how much it would cost to go through the tenure process due process). says who? mike reno filed a story about a month ago where a district was paying about 1/5 of that to go through a tenure hearing (if i remember right).

    board members simply throwing up their hands and saying "gee, those darn unions" should be the ones getting the blame here. how is it a good idea to throw taxpayer money at a teacher like this instead of making him or her go through the process? where's the accountability? why reward lazy behavior like this by scrapping the tenure process altogether? let me get this straight: i'm lazy and don't want to deal with a tenure hearing, and i have desire to make a teacher accountable through due process...so i know! let's just scrap the tenure process altogether! hello!

    none of you hear see that? good god.

    then on top of that to blame the teacher and the union is beyond flabbergasting.

    get real.

    • there is... by whatever, 08/26/2008 07:13:23 PM EST (none / 0)
      • don't know... by whatever, 08/26/2008 08:21:34 PM EST (none / 0)
    Make sure you know the law (none / 0) (#10)
    by jbuch on Tue Aug 26, 2008 at 08:58:56 PM EST
    Whoever complained about the MEA defending this person doesn't know the law.  If the MEA did not defend this person, this teacher could sue the MEA for failing to represent.  All unions have a duty of fair representation.  That doesn't mean that unions defend the action as something that's acceptable.  It just means that they have a duty to represent their member.  As someone who has been intimately involved in many union matters, the public has no idea how many times the union has had the so called "Come to Jesus" meeting with one of our members.  The MEA staff would love to have each and every teacher be extraordinary.  It would make their job easier and they do have programs designed to help teachers become better teachers.  Their main job though is to represent teachers, all teachers, no matter what.

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