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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Wrapping up the Bloggers Challenge

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Mon Aug 25, 2008 at 11:38:22 AM EST
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    The Right Michigan Bloggers Challenge has now come and gone and it is my distinct honor (seeing as how I'm the webmaster and all that) to announce the results while offering a mega sized kudos and CONGRATULATIONS to everyone who participated.  Over the course of two weeks we saw no fewer than sixty-eight individuals participate in the challenge in one way or another and we can already see the increase in energy and activity across the sphere.

    Big ups especially to our winners, who blogged, started blogs, cross-posted articles, voted on RightyBlogs and BlogNetNews, emailed family and friends about RightMichigan and added other great Michigan conservative blogs to their blogrolls... among other things!

    So without further ado... our winners:

    The GRAND PRIZE: A one-day guest pass to the Republican National Convention in Minnesota the first week of September...

    The WINNER is: Jason Gillman from Michigan Taxes Too Much!  

    Not only did Jason start a new companion blog at Toxic Taxation, he actually broke national news by uncovering Nancy Pelosi's financial conflict of interest in using folks like Bart Stupak to prevent domestic drilling and energy independence.  

    He blogged almost daily, cross-posted frequently, significantly contributed to other discussions here on Right Michigan and elsewhere and generally kicked all sorts of backside.

    Now we can all look forward to Jason's blog coming at us directly from the RNC National Convention!  Congratulations, sir, and well done!

    FIRST RUNNER UP: An autographed copy of Newt Gingrich's latest book, "Real Change."

    The WINNER is: Nathan from Republican Ranting!  

    Nate was a close second and was all over the Right Roots during the bloggers challenge.  Beautiful work.  Congrats!

    SECOND RUNNER UP: A $50 gas card sponsored by MRP Chairman / Blogger Saul Anuzis.

    The WINNER is: Joan from The World According to Me!

    Joan helped separate herself from the competition with a couple of trips to visit our friends from the Democratic Party, staging protests at Barack Obama's visit to the Lansing Center and Nancy Pelosi's flop of a taxpayer funded book tour.  Of course she blogged all about it, too, and watered the Right Roots by leaving comments, joining discussions and cross-posting frequently.  Great job!  

    THIRD RUNNER UP: An autographed copy of Grover Norquist's "Leave Us Alone".

    The WINNER is: Shell from The Conservatrarian!  

    Conservatrarian was one of several blogs launched during the challenge and is already one of my favorites.  Shell is a conservative Michigan mom AND one heck of an outgoing bulldog for common sense, even joining Joan at the Pelosi protest.  All sorts of fantastic work all over the sphere during the challenge.

    FINALISTS: A RightMichigan.com t-shirt. (Fire up!)

    The WINNERS are:  Other bloggers who went above and beyond include...

    RougMan from the RougBlog

    Jacob from the Blog of Bodnar

    Dennis from Dennis Lennox's Diary

    David from The HinzSight Report


    Kevin Rex Heine here on RightMichigan.  

    Congratulations again to everyone who participated in the bloggers challenge. We've got one heck of a great farm team of conservative political observers, citizen journalists, pundits and activists cruising at top speed here in Michigan.  Just about any state in the nation would be jealous of what we've got going on.  Mad props and well done!

    Now here's the trick... let's keep those juices flowing and the content coming on blogs across the sphere.  This was an above-awesome start.  The future... that's going to be something to see!

    < Monday in the Sphere, August 25 | If you just ignore the dropouts, the graduation rate is 100% >

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    Congrats Jason! (none / 0) (#1)
    by Rougman on Mon Aug 25, 2008 at 12:15:02 PM EST
    Please say Hi to Fred Thompson and Mitt Romney for me (while giving Lindsay Graham a sneaky rabbit punch to the kidney.)  

    As for the t-shirt, my liberal friends had better be ready for some In-your-face Right Michigan promotion.  

    Thanks Nick.

    • Thank YOU! by Nick, 08/25/2008 12:32:50 PM EST (none / 0)
    Not even a shout out... (none / 0) (#4)
    by RightMacomb on Mon Aug 25, 2008 at 01:46:38 PM EST
    Granted, I was not able to comment every day...but I covered a nationally broadcast news conference, and I dont even get a shout out...where is the love!?!?!!?

    Congratulations! (none / 0) (#6)
    by apackof2 on Mon Aug 25, 2008 at 06:36:09 PM EST
    to my fellow winners (and Yeah me!)

    Thanks Nick for the challenge!

    WTG Jason! (none / 0) (#7)
    by Shell on Mon Aug 25, 2008 at 07:47:19 PM EST
    With luck and a lot of work, we'll make a difference in November!

    Thanks Nick and everyone else here at RightMichigan!

    The Conservatrarian

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